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Forum Post: Americans Want Mental Health Laws, Police, NOT BANNING GUNS

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 20, 2012, 5:57 p.m. EST by outlawtumor (-162)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

by WILLIAM BIGELOW 20 Dec 2012,

Despite the attempts by the Left to use the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut to forward their anti-gun agenda, Americans feel that there are other avenues they would rather explore to protect to innocent children, according to a new Gallup Poll. In order of preference, the poll shows that 53% of Americans would favor an increased police presence at schools, 50% wanted to increase government spending on mental health screening and treatment, 47% thought that gun violence on TV, in movies and in video games should be decreased, and 42% thought the sale of assault and semi-automatic guns should be banned.

Almost as many people (34%) thought that at least one school official in every school should carry a gun as those who favored banning the sale of assault and semi-automatic guns, while 27% felt that the news media should not print or read the names of the shooter. The news blackout of the shooter drew the highest percentage of those who thought it would be ineffective, at 40%, but the gun ban was a close second in the ineffectiveness rating at 36%.

What also becomes clear from the poll is the public’s perception that all of the solutions offered would be fruitless, as 53% was the highest positive rating of any of the remedies.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats was most stark when the subject of banning guns was broached; 61% of Democrats liked the idea while only 26% of Republicans did, a 35% differential. Spending more on mental health screenings also was polarizing; 67% of Democrats favored it while 35% of Republicans did, a 32% gap.

On the other hand, Republicans were more likely to endorse arming school officials and decreasing gun violence displayed on TV, in movies, and in video games.




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[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Want an end to False Flag attacks, and those that have done them brought to justice.

[-] 1 points by occupycampbellco (34) from Newport, KY 12 years ago

Breitbart.com isn't a credible source, I'm afraid. Try again.

[-] -2 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Do you have any facts to back that claim up?

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Nope. Americans want a ban on the assault weapons and police AND mental health.


[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

What poll did you get your info from? What are the %'s?

[-] 3 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

STAT OF THE DAY 62% of Americans Now Support a Ban on Semi-Automatic Assault Rifles and Clips


[-] 0 points by rayolite (461) 12 years ago

To consider this before overcoming the neglect of psychology, which because free speech is abridged, no social realization of the inadequacy can be made.

"rather explore to protect to innocent children, according to a new Gallup Poll. In order of preference, the poll shows that 53% of Americans would favor an increased police presence at schools, 50% wanted to increase government spending on mental health screening and treatment,"

In fact, there is proof that what might be the most effective mental health care possible was blocked by lawless government working to protect an environment of secrecy. This shocked me out when I found the link here last year.


BTW, effective mental health care is a serious need, not a want.

[-] 0 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

ban mental illness - like yours - its called shilling or trolling or just simply lying


the most popular answer on ths gallup poll was gun control 24%

[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Shilling is subjective,trolling is subjective but where is the lie?


[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 12 years ago

compare what you posted to the actual gif from the poll

[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”

Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments.”

In other words, Xinhua represents the pinnacle of Chinese state-run media. Whatever is printed in its editorial pages represents the opinion of the ruling Communist Party leaders.

The article calls on Obama to exploit the tragedy to push his gun control agenda, adding that his lame duck situation represents “the best position to promote it,” while blaming the National Rifle Association for curtailing previous attempts to regulate firearms in the United States.

Seems like Obama and the Democrats have the same agenda as our enemies the Chi-coms.


[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

I agree,but then apparently by your definition Obama and the Democrats aren't "real Americans" I would agree also.

Obama and the Democrats actually give a shit because they ARE trying to implement the official Chi-Comm party policy.

There are calls from the Left to abolish the 2nd Amendment,ban ALL GUNS and even to shoot NRA members and officials.

This type of rhetoric would make the Chi-Comms quite happy,all compliments of the Democrat Left.


[-] 0 points by town (-374) 12 years ago

you're threatening to murder law people because of their party affiliation. now you're trying to step away from that by saying its hyperbole.


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

And then there's those who promote that rhetoric.

Our "friends" over at FLAKESnews and Limbaugh and all the rest.

Hear it from the mouth of one that once believed, under oath.



[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Perfect file for those that will tell FLAKESnews can't make a difference.

[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Well,I'm here to tell you that the twitterverse is lit up with many fine Liberal Democrats voicing their opinion in favor of shooting NRA members as well as any other supporters of the right to keep and bear arms. And,as well as banning guns altogether and abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

So do not wonder any further,now you know the Democrats and Chi-Comms are a united front in the war on America's freedoms.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago


You may consider stay in at home 12-21-12. Twitter says the worlds gonna end soon.

No ones taking guns away, seems more people want all rights protected.

Assault weapons are complete overkill. There's no right to weapons of mass destruction.

[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

The term "assault weapons" is an incorrect and these rifles are only semi-auto just as a typical 9mm pistol. These make great self defense weapons, also hunting, depending on the caliber.

These are not weapons of "mass destruction".

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago
[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

So using your logic and that of most Democrats and Liberals the car must be a weapon of mass destruction because it causes many,many,many more deaths a year. Many are completely senseless and we as a society should then ban the private ownership and use of the car,truck or any vehicle capable of causing the death of a person.

You should agree with this 100%.

[-] 0 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

I might be a better person if I avoided car ownership-it does not help air quality, and expends much wealth and resources.

[-] 1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Glad I could help and thanks for further clarifying your mindset on these matters. No car,no gun,...I'd recommend you not live in Chicago,Detroit or most any city where you want to travel and stay alive.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

In a perfect world no one would kill anybody else. This ain't a perfect world and as such we do what we must to ensure our further survival and success.


[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Do you deny the Democrats and the Chi-Comms want the same thing?


[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

I didn't write or infer the "wholesale slaughter " of anybody so I'm not really sure where you're coming up with that.

Well,I'm not trying to convince you of reality and truth,because that's all I've presented here. So let's just drop this now,I'm not comfortable with your replies,kind of sounding unhinged.


[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Let me clarify again. All my post showed was that the opinions on complete gun bans were shared by a lot of Democrats,Liberals and the Chi-Comms. This is a fact,nothing more and nothing less.

The only inference is that the Democrats are once again on the side of America's enemies. As they seem to frequently be these days.


[-] 0 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Of course the Chi-Comms relish our disunity and see it as a sign of weakness. But as long as the Democrats want to abolish the 2nd Amendment and ban guns we will be in complete disagreement.

I wouldn't call you a "dupe". More like confused and non-focused.


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

NO, You didn't "show" anything but your own opinion and some crap from brietbart..

And let's get real.....the mods were asleep to allow you to post anything at all from a conspiracy site the likes of former FLAKESnews "contributor" breitbart.

Damn lucky.

So go puck a rubber or two and take your demented FLAKESnews style BS to Alex Jones maybe, or someplace like that.

Damn you were lucky.

[-] -1 points by outlawtumor (-162) 12 years ago

Are you always this hostile?

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Did you always have such extreme interpretation issues?

I'm not hostile at all. Just telling the truth.

In your case?

It could be a side effect from.......um...........FLAKESnews.

Did you know that listing to, or watching FLAKESnews, or any number of similar media ( such as brietbart), can cause cognition issues, comprehension issues, can even make you entirely stupid?

It's true you know.

Proven in test after test.

Proven in courts of law.

Here's an example. Read it and weep for your mind, and pray that you can regain it someday.


[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

If you think the people that run this government give a shit what the silly letter is at the end of these clowns names, you need to go visit your nearest GA more often.

[-] -1 points by firghtyer (-66) 12 years ago

Guns do not kill, people do.