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Forum Post: Americans Prioritize Economy Over Reducing Wealth GapFifty-two percent say having rich and poor is an acceptable part of the system

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 3:02 p.m. EST by Teacher12 (-33)
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by Frank NewportPRINCETON, NJ -- More Americans say it is important that the federal government enact policies that grow the economy and increase equality of opportunity than say the same about reducing the income and wealth gap between the rich and the poor.

These data, from a Nov. 28-Dec.1 Gallup survey, show that while 46% of Americans believe it is extremely or very important that the federal government in Washington reduce the income and wealth gap between the rich and poor, 70% say it is important for the government to increase equality of opportunity, and 82% say it is important for the government to grow and expand the economy.

The issue of reducing the income and wealth gap has become politically salient in recent months. The Occupy Wall Street protests in a number of cities around the country have drawn attention to allegations of special privileges and power among the wealthiest Americans.

President Barack Obama has also adopted a more populist emphasis in recent months, decrying the deteriorating position of the middle class, noting that in recent years, "Those at the very top grew wealthier from their incomes and their investments -- wealthier than ever before. But everybody else struggled with costs that were growing and paychecks that weren't -- and too many families found themselves racking up more and more debt just to keep up." Obama and other Democrats have pushed for increased taxes on those in higher income brackets as one way to address their concerns.

There are, not surprisingly, substantial differences in the ways in which Democrats, independents, and Republicans look at these issues.

Americans of all political persuasions believe that it is important to grow and expand the economy, with Republicans placing slightly less emphasis on it than independents and Democrats do.

Republicans are, however, much less likely than independents and Democrats to say it is important for the government to be involved in increasing equality of opportunity or reducing the income/wealth gap.

While 72% of Democrats say it is extremely or very important to reduce the income and wealth gap between rich and poor, 43% of independents and 21% of Republicans agree.

A majority of all three partisan groups say that increasing equality of opportunity is important, but Democrats (87%) are again much more likely to say it's important than independents (69%) or Republicans (53%).

Slight Majority of Americans Say Inequalities Are Acceptable

A separate Gallup question finds a slight majority of Americans (52%) now say that "the fact that some people in the United States are rich and others are poor" is an acceptable part of our economic system. This is a change from the last time Gallup asked the question in 1998, when a slight majority of Americans said that such inequalities were a problem that needs to be fixed.

Partisan differences in response to this question follow predictable lines. Sixty-two percent of Democrats say that the gap between rich and poor is a problem that needs to be fixed, while about a quarter of Republicans (24%) agree.


The responses to these two questions help put the recent political activity focusing on inequality and differences between rich and poor into some context. It is clear that while some Americans, disproportionately Democrats, consider it important that the federal government enact policies to reduce the income and wealth gap, many more Americans consider it important that the government grow the economy and increase the equality of opportunity. It is also clear that Americans are actually slightly less likely now than 13 years ago to say that the fact that the country has rich people and poor people represents a problem that needs to be fixed. A slight majority now say that such inequalities are an acceptable part of the economic system.

There is little doubt that these issues will remain a significant focal point of the 2012 presidential campaign, and may be a major fault line between the positions of President Obama and the eventual Republican nominee.



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[-] 1 points by orz (83) 13 years ago

Say the sample is perfect. For every point of view in proportion to the population, in every tier of socio-economic status, there's 30+ people surveyed. Ok.

Why would favor for economic inequality rise since the 1998 survey?

Upper class and middle class people don't want to redistribute their wealth. There is a recent threat of this. The question didn't specify who the "rich" were. So if you don't consider yourself poor, you might think this question means more taxes for the non-poor. If "rich" was identified as the 1%, the results would be different.

[-] 1 points by toukarin (488) 13 years ago

Heck let them make however much money they want to make... just make sure that the ones below earn enough to live a decent life... there will always be poor people... but lets not have destitute people... people without homes and/or buried in debt...

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago


  • Famous words of Jesus of Nazareth, completely in line with the teachings of all the Great Jewish Prophets who preceded him.

America is supposed to be a "Christian" nation, but seems quite content to pay lip service to Christ and REAL WORSHIP to MAMMON, the god of Money that Jesus warned us against!

[-] 1 points by lovebug (20) 13 years ago

From the moment of birth, the American has been bombarded with conditioning. when you tell someone a lie often enough - he will believe it. Americans used to love one another, and use things- but today they have been conditioned to love things and use one another.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

WOW! That's very well put.

I completely agree that Americans GRADUALLY become more and more materialistic through CONDITIONING, mainly by advertising aimed at convincing the public of this total fallacy, that THINGS make PEOPLE happy.

This belief flies in the face of the teachings of ALL of the great religions.

That is why I say that America pays lip service to Jesus while actually serving Mammon.

We used to be children of God, we are now "consumers", or children of Mammon, worshipping our false god in his glorious, shiny temples called "shopping malls"...

This dimension of our national crisis is rarely addressed, but I feel it shouldn't be neglected in this discussion.
