Forum Post: Americans Are Scared of Socialism
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 10:58 a.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS
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That's why I think we need to rename it to "Compassionate Capitalism"
This way the tea baggers won't get scared when we mention it. It will incorporate all of the same ideals as the socialism we want including:
Income caps
Wealth Redistribution
Free college/free mortgages
Big Government
Some of us have studied world history, and some of us are even old enough to have witnessed the rise and fall of socialist regimes. Some of us are afraid with very good reason.
Try harder, troll. "Wealth redistribution" and "Big Government" are teabagger memes.
We can have everything for free. It's all a frame of mind.
All fantastic ideas that will benefit everyone. I think we should add free food and free clothing for all, free energy, gas and Internet. Surely these things are a right in 2011?
Yes, these are all Basic Human Rights
Was hoping someone agreed, I got my power bill today $293, if I send you the details can you pay it for me?
Uh...well....I only want these things as long as its other people that have to pay for it
Yes, but to me, you are an "other people" so it works out nicely.
You can't have compassionate capitalism without capitalism. And an income that's capped is communism.
It's actually not capitalism, but we'll just refer it to that. This way the average dumb tea bagger and American doesn't get scared of the socialist boogeyman, which we all know is the solution for this country's problems
And, uhh, you don't think people will see through this? The only difference between a tea bagger and a true socialist is that the tea bagger knows exactly how far his dollar will go. That was the reason for the massive number of defaults or the so called "mortgage crisis" - too many were unsure how far their dollar would go. The only difference between a true communist and a true socialist is that the communist knows he will never have to pay you at all - grow some tomatoes and fend for yourselves.