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Forum Post: Americans Are Animal Crackers

Posted 12 years ago on March 20, 2012, 5:18 a.m. EST by jewieboy (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

dogs pigs cats sheep elephants all the same this country disgusts me it's turned into a zoo full of Morons I hope Israel attacks Iran cause if they do China Russia will launch major nuke strike at the USA Yea China and Russia figure they would win a first strike nuke war The caves are already there built to save people what has the USA done? Jackshit wise up animals that time is coming fast Armageddon will be the battle in Iran Russia shall serve up it's armies to protect Iran's oil China will defend Iran from the East It's all in the Bible animals If you ever read revelations which I doubt anyone under 30 has not the new culture of Idiots believing in liver spotted old wise crack Fools



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[-] 1 points by RedSkyMorning (220) 12 years ago

I see the point here, but why are we animal crackers? Are we delicious?

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

"One thing you can do if you have no water source at all is actually drink the fluid from a fresh elephant dung." - Bear Grylls

If there is anything to learn from this, it's that you shouldn't trust an old ranger that tells you to drink poo juice.


[-] 1 points by GildasSapiens (266) 12 years ago

Has anybody asked Bear Grylls where one is supposed to find "elephant dung of last resort" in the deserts of Central America, or Australia, or North Africa, or the Middle East, or Central Asia?

In fact, has anybody suggested to him that he might do quite well if he sets up in competition with George Foreman?

[-] 1 points by GildasSapiens (266) 12 years ago

Fascinating Dissociative Identity (Multiple Personality) Disorder dialogue between "jewieboy" & "jamesluxley".

Is it just those 2 multiple personalities, or do you have any more, "j"?

[-] 0 points by jamesluxley (29) 12 years ago

I think u just rewrote The Bible in two phrases. Amazing job.

[-] -1 points by jewieboy (1) 12 years ago

and True how much worse can it get?? right now it's not just about ordinary people trying to survive It's about Nations trying to survive and they will do whatever is in their power to survive it's the law of the jungle Granted there are a handful of good people I can trust but that's a very few Everyone wants things to get better But they have forgotten who to ask and that is God People ignore he exists so God says OK Do it on your own I don't care if you don't care True Watch these events unfold And when they do people will kill you for a meal True and so so sad that America has always been the leader setting the example But now were just laughed and mocked at cause were the Joke now not the 3rd world countries We are

[-] 0 points by jamesluxley (29) 12 years ago

I absolutely agree. I could have used more words to say the same.

[-] -1 points by jewieboy (1) 12 years ago

And have you seen the changes in friends or relatives whom were once good and gracious turning into this mold? It's becoming more evident each day

[-] 0 points by jamesluxley (29) 12 years ago

Absolutely have. Not sure what triggers people to becoming mold but they do. Some call it Common Purpose: http://cpexposed.com/

[-] -1 points by jewieboy (1) 12 years ago

People are afraid of the govt that's why they are turning on each other if each of us would stand tall and stand United then we would win which makes me laugh why they call it the United States still when were light years from being united cause it's now a false facade

[-] 0 points by jamesluxley (29) 12 years ago

Again, you surprise me. This is absolutely true. It has become the Decided SA. People are scared because they know very little and believe in the system. De-educating them is probably the solution. It will take many man-hours. Not sure if the people can do it all but if not we are doomed.