Forum Post: Americans Always Oppose Anti-Free Market Deregulation
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 11:59 a.m. EST by aahpat
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
From the trust busters of the 1890's to the Glass-Steagall like laws of the 1930's Americans have always opposed the over-concentration of economic power of Wall Street that invariably corrupts America's political system.
The libertarian deregulation of the markets today is just another effort by Wall Street to renew its license to prey on the American people and accumulate too much wealth into the hands of too few people. the subversion of America's free markets by people with so much economic power that they can buy inordinate political control of the nation and use it to deprive Americans of access to the markets. Making the markets no longer free markets at all.
Restore America's free markets:
- Reinstate Glass-Steagall
- Overturn Citizen's United
- Fight to end corporate corruption of Congress.
aahpat - JOIN US ! - We have a large number of great, well thought out, COMPLICATED ideas that will require a huge amount of "selling" and “explanation" and will garner GREAT OPPOSITION.
Every one of our goals can only be achieved by cutting the incestuous link between washington and money - we MUST start here:
We need to be realistic & pick an issue that is simple – and that is proven popular -
that 83% of Americans already agree on -
That even 56% of TP already agree on -
that will bring together the people in OWS with the people outside of OWS.
Everybody wins! ACTION ----> JOIN US
Our only immediate goal should be to pass a constitutional amendment to counter Supreme Court decision Citizens United (2010) , that enable unlimited amounts of anonymous money to flood into our political system.
“Corporations and organizations are not a persons &
have no personhood rights”
We don’t have to explain or persuade people to accept our position – we only have to persuade them to ACT based on their own position. Pursuing this goal will prove to the world that we, at OWS, are a serious realistic Movement, with serious realistic goals. Achieving this goal will make virtually every other goal – jobs, taxes, infrastructure, Medicare – much easier to achieve –
by disarming our greatest enemy – GREED.
THE SUCCESS STORY OF THE AMENDING PROCESS The Prohibition movement started as a disjointed effort by conservative teetotalers who thought the consumption of alcohol was immoral. They ransacked saloons and garnered press coverage here and there for a few years. Then they began to gain support from the liberals because many considered alcohol partially responsible for spousal and child abuse, among other social ills. This odd alliance, after many years of failing to influence change consistently across jurisdictions, decided to concentrate on one issue nationally—a constitutional amendment. They pressured all politicians on every level to sign a pledge to support the amendment. Any who did not, they defeated easily at the ballot box since they controlled a huge number of liberal, and conservative and independent swing votes in every election. By being a single-issue constituency attacking from all sides of the political spectrum, they very quickly amassed enough votes (2/3) to pass the amendment in Congress. And, within just 17 months, they were successful in getting ¾ of the state legislatures to ratify the constitutional amendment into law. (Others were ratified even faster: Eight —took less than a year. The 26th, granting 18-year-olds the right to vote, took just three months and eight days.)
If they could tie the left and right into a success -
WHY CAN'T WE ??????????
I feel that we should stay with this simple text to overturn CU:
”corporations are not people”
for four simple reasons and one – not so simple:
83% of Americans have already opposed CU in the ABC/Washington post poll and the above
We don’t have to work to convince people on the validity of our position.
Simple is almost always better.
This simple Amendment is REQUIRED to overturn CU.
And all other electoral reform can be passed through the normal legislative process.
OWS and these pages are chock full of ( mostly ) excellent ideas to improve our country.
All of them have strong advocates – and some have strong opposition.
None of them has been “pre-approved” by 83% of Americans !
Pursuing this goal – without additional specifics is exactly what Americans want.
What do we want? Look at that almost endless list of demands – goals - aims.
Tax the rich. End the Fed. Jobs for all, Medicare for all. So easy to state! Can you imagine how hard it would be to formulate a “sales pitch” for any of these to convince your Republican friends to vote for any of them?
83% of Americans have ALREADY “voted” against CU. And 76% of the Rs did too.
All we have to do ask Americans is to pressure their representatives – by letters - emails – petitions.
Wanna take your family on vacation?
Convince the 7 year old and the 10 year old to go to Mt Rushmore.
Then try to convince them to go to Disneyland.
Prioritizing this goal will introduce us to the world – not as a bunch of hippie radical anarchist socialist commie rabblerousers – but as a responsible, mature movement that is fighting for what America wants.
I feel that using the tactics of the NRA, the AARP an the TP – who all represent a minority – who have successfully used their voting power to achieve their minority goals - plus the Prohibition Amendment tactics – bringing all sides together - is a straight path for us to success that cannot fail to enable us to create and complete one MAJORITY task.
Whereas --
The OWS Declaration of the Occupation of New York City states that
"a democratic government derives its just power from the people,
not from corporations."
and --
the ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 83% of the entire US population
opposes the Supreme Court Citizens United decision,
which affirmed that corporations are people.
and --
by supporting the overturning of corporate personhood,
OWS clearly aligns itself with the vast majority of the American people
who support ending the fundamentally flawed and anti-democratic concept
that corporations are people.
therefore --
The General Assembly must support
a constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood.
Also, ensure accuracy when counting votes.
If we take a minute to look at the history of this crisis we can trace the whole thing back to our libertarian fed chairman Alan Greenspan. Wall street did the same thing to the banks in 1929. If you look at the "investment trusts' that killed the markets in '29 they look a whole lot like the CDO's that helped crash the banks today. The fed was created in 1913 without Glass/Steagall.It took 16 years for wall street to crash the markets. Glass/Steagall was repealed in 1999, only took 8 years for wall street to crash the markets this time and we haven't put any effective rules in place since 2007. MF Global's bankruptcy is no surprise.
Greenspan should have been indicted for fraud for claiming to be an economist. And impeached for his actions as the Fed chair.
You can find a compilation of current members of Congress who, in 1999, voted to repeal Glass-Steagall at my web page: The Congress that Crashed Ameica
None of these people should be in America's Congress. They are a danger to our economic security. Spread the word to vote them all out next year. Or at least any that are up for election.
LOL most economists should be indited for fraud claiming do be economists. Thanks! I book marked that page
I have no problem with economists. I have a big problem with libertarians misrepresenting themselves as economists.
Yup ! It's not like America hasn't tried all their idea's before -------that's why we have the institutions we have. We just need to get those institutions back to working for the people and not just a welfare system for the super rich.