Forum Post: American spring
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 1:20 p.m. EST by omnes99
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It is time that the American spring now dawns with the OWS action. We have no despot to topple ,unless that 1% with the banks and financiers count and a government that represents them.
There is much to do but with your resistance you show us all the first step to take. Those that have gathered are deciding progress by direct democracy. Somehow we all have forgotten the WE are the government. Our ideas, our hurts, our deprivations should not be borne individually but as a whole by direct democracy. Those that represent us no longer do unless we fork over a ton of money to them. Even then their efforts do not solve problems just prolong them.
Now is the time, indeed, it is only now that we can do it,to form a Citizens Assembly as a legal institution in our government. The CA would be an addition to the legislative branch with full force to pass and approve laws and make its own adminstrative rules. The CA would not be a representative body. It would include all citizens of a state as members. With the technology we have today all citizens could have a direct role in leading this country through the states. Our electronic networks would do the work of counting votes and giving a place for all voices to be heard and all actions transparent. No proposal could be made into law unless the CA approved with the other bodies.
I do not what to write a book here. However, to present the idea of truly making this country a democracy is something that should be discussed and proposals for changing state constitutions formalized and voted on and passed. If there had been a Citizen Assembly in 2008 we would have not had the middle class loss of homes,their life savings and jobs lost and those who were trying to pull a financial fast one would been stopped before they could do damage. So talk it over.