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Forum Post: American Self-Understanding

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 3:48 p.m. EST by MagPie22 (144)
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The way americans understand themselves is so far from reality. A tour on the streets of NYC will show a picture of happy people who can read and who are happy. But the majority are neither.

42 million can not read:


Many americans believe going to war is "the right thing to do"

Many americans believe in the Hollywood movies they watch as being a portrayal of the real american. Including national TV.

Many americans believe USA is the best country in the world (which it is not).

Millions of americans can not read and the same and others are basically just poor and living in poverty.

Occupy The Americans and Occypy The Schools as well as the whole of USA first to rid the terrible massacra commited against americans and other people around the world. Default on it all now is better than later and start over again. Write a new constitution and free yourselves of the banks and UN and IMF.

The past 30 years it has really been going down the drains for americans but pre 1980 it was bad also. Post 2011 it will start to get really really bad and only the next year 2012 will tell what the outcome will be. Not being religious I dare to predict that america will go bust economically and the US Dollar will inflate to loose its value and the %1 will depart to better places such as Thailand and China (if they have not already donee so).

America is a mascarade. Ask anyone who can read and understand and they will tell you this fact.



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[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

And if that happens, real Americans will 'sweep our own back porch' and build anew.

Oh and it's been longer than 30 years, I've been talking about it for over 40 years.

There are many types of poverty. Financial poverty plagues a large portion of the US population, educational poverty plagues our youth, emotional and moral poverty plagues a far too large portion of the balance.

Financial poverty, while not pleasant, is livable, educational poverty isn't, and the educational poverty is directly affected by the emotional and moral poverty stricken.

Each one teach one.

If we all become teachers, if we all shrug off the emotional and moral poverty which affects us, the educational poverty will be eliminated, and once that is done the financial poverty will be reduced.

Every community has socialism embedded in it's core. We either work together or we all fail.

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago

I think the world believes a lot in the USA. Say what you want but the 1% of China sends far more of their kids to the US for education than the 1% of the USA sends to China. Funny I don't see the world flocking to get into Cuba or Mexico illegally.

[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

How many americans do you think goes to american each your to study?

And I do believe thousands of people in the US flee USA each month but they call it prolonged holliday or moving with their work or simply migrating as expatriots. Many. I am sure we can find some statistics on this. In fact I believe it is more than the other way.

Schools in China are superior to US schools and many asian schools are very highly rated. In fact many products are not designed in USA or in the west but are designed in asia and then the west and USA steal them from asia. Does not sound very familar, right.

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago


690,000 foreign students study in US

230,000 US students study abroad

but you know what is the really great thing about the USA????? No one makes you stay if you don't want!

[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

Yes, this is for educational purpose only. I was like thinking about the whole armada of american citizens leaving US compared to people migrating to USA.

Record number of U.S. students study abroad, in diverse locations


Many Americans Moving to Mexico in Search of the American Dream Mexico is now the host nation for the largest American expatriate community in the world.


Now, that is interesting.

I wonder where I can find data on how many americans migrate out of USA yearly.

"should conditions deteriorate to the levels indicated in your essay–which is hardly beyond reasonable imagination–the flow would most likely shift in the other direction." http://flourishingincrisis.wordpress.com/2009/03/17/out-migration-who-is-leaving-the-usa/

[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

Oh, and I need to mention that is was Michael Moore who mentioned this illiteracy on a TV program. So I searched Google and found abovel ink. MM was right.


[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

great. saw it