Forum Post: American higher education: a huge racket.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by Owlet
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We might have seen these protests sooner if America's young people weren't deferred into 4-8+ years of uselessly sitting in colleges chasing economically worthless degrees. The way it is now, it is the ONLY path (or so they are told/threatened) to prosperity. Supposedly.
But higher education has become nothing more than a racket. It's basically a giant student loan harvesting operation, and college administrators are feeding off this system like fat cats. Increasingly, more and more people who work for colleges are newly created administrative positions who don't teach... don't type... and don't clean the toilets. This is who you're throwing your money at.
"Education is everything," goes the cry. So America's young people have been brainwashed and fed into this debt hopper like so many cattle going off to slaughter. It's not like you actually learn anything at college that you can't learn by reading books or being intellectually inquisitive. (In fact, studies have shown that American students aren't learning much of anything at all at college.)
The higher ed administrators are desperate to keep up this gravy train and who benefits? The banks (and the higher ed administrators, of course). Who pays? The students. Forever (with non dischargeable loans).