Forum Post: American Dream - Don McLean's American Pie, Rewritten...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 8:58 a.m. EST by smallfry
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[I know some of the syllables may not be 100% correct when compared to Don McLean's original, but close enough.]
A long long time ago, The U.S. was a place, you know, Where you could be successful if you worked, But '08, it made us shiver, With the news that was delivered, What our ancestors worked for was all gone...
So bye bye my American Dream, Faulty mortgages and lending killed our hope with a scheme, Now we're lucky to get minimum wage scooping ice cream, Oh it's time to let them hear our scream... Time to let us hear our scream...
Did you de-regulate? And did you recieve your many thanks? I'm sure the folks appreciate it down at Goldman Sachs... Now, but we're all tired of being told, That our futures have been sold, It's time you listened up my friend, Your gluttonous greed must end.
And now we're singin'... Bye bye my American Dream, Shady mortgages and lending ripped us up at the seams, Now we're lucky to get minimum wage scooping ice cream, So much for the American Dream... So much for that American Dream?
Oh and now we're all here in one place, Being met with batons and mace, Fighting for the human race, And for the working class...
So bye bye to American Greed, With the crisis you brought, you also planted a seed, Awakened us all - so now just watch and you'll see, We will change this, that's a guarantee...
And we'll do it for the land of the free.