Forum Post: American Citizens Split On DOJ Memo Authorizing Government To Kill Them
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 7, 2013, 10 p.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Slightly humorous...but gets the point across:,31207/
seem the people don't want to give the US government the right to terrorize them
Matt, if you stopped and thought about the claim that guns protect Americans from government, you would not be parroting such a misnomer.
I'm going to school you on some real speak.
Why would a government ever kill you, when they could tax you to death?
A gun is like a last ditch effort. It is mutually assured destruction (MAD) that will never come to fruition because they have the power to make you a prisoner in your own home. By being bad stewards of the economy, they have already terrorized most.
Also, go try and form a militia to kick the federal government out of your state, I bet you they'ed call your actions insurrection and send in a drone to set you strait.
Guns, in the information age, are relics that give the People a FALSE sense of security.
I believe most gun arguments comes from the sales arm of our weapons companies
lol be glad you have a job at all and stop complaining
"On the one hand, I get it—it’s important for the government to be able to murder me and any of my friends or family members whenever they please for reputed national security reasons. But on the other hand, it would kind of be nice to stay alive and have, maybe, a trial, actual evidence—stuff like that,”
lol...the scary thing is I could see people actually saying that
Obama believes it's better to kill w/collateral damage then to capture and water board. Now isn't that more logical?