Forum Post: America Soon to Have Major Internet Censorship!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 25, 2011, 11:44 a.m. EST by dealdoctor
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Protect IP/SOPA Bills are all set to censor your free speech on the internet including Facebook and YouTube. SOPA protects Hollywood's cash and their cash lobbies hard for it. Think a China kind of government controlled net. Like the NDAA which can toss you in jail indefinitely on a whim without trial SOPA can shut your mouth fast! Bill of rights? Forget em! Only money has rights these days.
So we dont need to move to China.
Its refreshing to hear the truth, here. I wonder who really runs this site?
sign the petition!/petition/veto-sopa-bill-and-any-other-future-bills-threaten-diminish-free-flow-information/g3W1BscR