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Forum Post: America NEEDS Segregation - Nigros, jews, queers and other undesireables can have Jew York City - Whites Get the Rest

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 9:53 p.m. EST by ItzAWhiteMansWorld (-1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

with a wall around Jew York City



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[-] 5 points by SisterRay (554) 13 years ago

Itz is a racist troll.

Reader: Please don't respond. Let this troll's incendiary posts die in silence.

Itz: Please leave. You are not welcome here.

Moderator: Please delete.

[-] 1 points by golfrock (3) from Albuquerque, NM 13 years ago

Then find somewhere else to live. Go try Russia...

[-] 0 points by PoorBlackRichard (0) 13 years ago

Please go to Ancestry.com and research your family tree.

You have more Black relatives than you could ever imagine. I am your Daddy.
