Forum Post: America is Fixable!
Posted 6 years ago on Dec. 8, 2018, 12:49 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A good start in the direction of sanity and sustainability is: Communitize the FIRE sector, all of Medicine and [especially] Pharma!
Trump's fat head explained!
I'd argue it's corporate communism killing us for the good of WS traders and banksters.... And the CEO's who run them. No We can't kill people esp not half of all our citizens unfortunately we have to turn the tories blue or have a revolution. It's been done before.
Better dead than Red?
We'll probably get that wish and most will never know that it's capitalism that's killing us.
Reds killed the most people in all of history. For what? A belief that collectivization can bring on a new age of plenty. They're leftists who turned out to be depraved power grabbers preying on the gullible poorer folks of the World. Name one single country that had been Red for a long time and displaced people were flocking en masse to seek asylum there. Not one, not a single one!
The Reds have failed miserably. Less than a handful of these diehard countries are still around but they can only survive by boxing their people in and keeping the news of the prosperity outside, out. Diehard countries will simply die a hard life.
My experience in life is that the first knee-jerk reaction to something is often an overshoot. Of course, I didn't know that they were overshoots until much later. A good life needs balance. When one runs away as far as possible from a bogey regardless of everything else, one tends to regret it later because what about the other things? Our brains are biologically built with rationality sitting on top of a volcano of reptilian emotions. Use that rationality on top well to keep things under control. We have a much shorter paleohistory of having a huge brain relative to the Cetaceans such as dolphins which have more hemispherically holistic brains than we do. Their love and compassion are not coming from just a veneer set atop a crocodilean brain.
The most difficult problem in Computer Science is the NP-Complete problem associated with finding the optimal solution to the Traveling-Salesman problem. The great explosions in brain sizes in both the Cetaceans and the Homo genus probably came from the biological computers' evolutionary quest for solving the complex cost-and-benefit problem associated with a large social group. If this hypothesis is true, we should expect that the increases in brain sizes had accompanied the increased social-group sizes as long as the interactions involved great number of non-local ones.
We're devolving socially. We have been doing so for at least 10,000 years. Evolution is too slow and random to be our saviour. If we're to be saved we'll have to save ourselves using the equipment we we've had since birth.
Once the limit of a person's circle of friends has been reached (studies showed that the maximal number of friends was about 100), increased number of people being shoved together tend to cause social devolution. If this hypothesis is true, we should expect that around 10,000 years ago, people tended to live in a clan of about 100 people.
We have actually evolved social mechanisms and institutions to become an externalized layer of super-clanship. That's why we have library cards, passports, social security cards, etc. to identify membership in a super-clan. Ripping down these social mechanisms and institutions amounts to social devolution. However, they can be rebuilt much faster than biological evolution because they are manmade. Things are not hopeless.
Evolution will not save us, social or otherwise. I said: "If we're to be saved we'll have to save ourselves using the equipment we've had from birth." That implies individual conscious efforts to bring about systemic changes. We must choose to develop new social paradigms. That's not evolution as it is generally understood.
Evolution and revolution are actually cousins. When enough evolution has happened in a functional area, new combinations will become possible and arise. Then the most desirable ones as selected by the breeders/propagators flourish. It has become a revolution. One never gets revolution by itself as Athena sprang fully grown from Zeus's forehead.
As concrete examples, two of the most world-transforming inventions of the 20th century: the nuclear bomb and the transistor, have both been originated in Manhattan (which I nicknamed as Man-heeft-ding meaning Man-has-thing in Dutch for this New-York-State urogenitalia.) Understanding New York City and New York State is easy if one views New York State as a gigantic bladder collecting water to be pissed out by New York City at the penis called Manhattan. Look at a map to see this analogy. "Life is electric fire burning slowly in water" so life is about water because people need water to live so where do you expect the most densely packed people in New York State to live? Man-heeft-ding, yep, the penis!
New York became an economic and financial center because it's where the freshwater for people and seawater for fish and trade converge. Why does seawater matter? The cheapest way to move a lot of goods is by water. New York has water connections galore! In particular, things accumulated in New York over time. As beautifulworld had mentioned before, Maslow's pyramid of needs and wants, New York reached the highest level having started with solving its water needs through the upstate aqueducts, reservoirs, etc. One thing leads to another. More things interact to create new combinations. It's simple mathematics: 2+3=5 < 2×3=6 but 2+7=9 << 2×7=14.
Man-heeft-ding is seedy enough to piss out the nuclear-bomb and transistor projects in its paroxysm of wartime and peacetime creative spurts. The creation of the nuclear bomb was clearly a wartime project inseminated by the Brits and originally planned to be based in Manhattan, hence the codename "the Manhattan project." It had to be moved inland and be dispersed because German U-boats were popping up on the East Coast (potentially up Hudson River, perhaps reaching Bell Labs. on West Street working on radar component, the crystal rectifier, and Columbia's Pupin Hall where Enrico Fermi, yet another refugee luminary of "that project," taught and worked on "that thing" with associates, some of whom becoming Nobel Laureates later on.) The transistor was invented postwar because the technological talents were freed up from wartime work and could afford (Bell $) to pursue to understand why what they'd done for radars in the war, the crystal rectifier, worked. The heart in radars 'the cavity magnetron' came from the Brits via yet another refugee. Hitler's attacks on Britain drove these national treasures (radars and nuclear bomb) of the British Empire to the safer and more "fertile soil" of the U.S. When I mentioned 'Brits,' the term also included other members of the British Empire in the past such as Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Did the U.S. detect the British spies for the Soviet Union early in World War II so that the U.S. had tried to avoid leaking top-secret information to the Brits with whom the U.S. still needed to consult? When did General Grove decide to shield "the project" against the Brits? Did he suspect British spies at that time? Before and during WWII, Europe underwent a lobotomy and sent its intellectual and technological élites to the U.S., many becoming refugees here and a number of them Nobel Laureates. The U.S. mainland stayed largely peaceful without battles during WWII so with the help of these luminary refugees the U.S. "turned smart!"
The U.S. became the "can-think-can-do" juggernaut that could handle, manage, and accomplish vast projects. It sheltered many "tempest-tost" "wretched refuse of your teeming shore" because it wasn't too discriminating, picking up what Europe wanted to discard. My rejoinder is, "there is gold in them Pis!" Blessed was the U.S. for being pissed at. Cursed is Russia/China for not becoming mellow. Hona Leis. 随便它去。 Let it be. Free your people! Red China is the greatest threat to the American (and all non-China[CCP]) way of life. Russia will become the greatest colony of the Draconian Empire, a bit like the Mongol Empire. Although I had Polish apple juice and sardines, I didn't have much from Russia so U.S. businesses didn't integrate it well. It might be political uncertainties getting in the way. I have eaten submarine sandwiches before so I wonder what the newly delivered-from-Russia bomber sandwiches taste like. I hope that they are as good as the three plates of beef stroganoff I ate just before taking a final examination. I got a terrible toothache so I had to go on a yogurt diet for days but the very sour yogurt (yogurt makers could actually afford much sugar to make sourness in those good old days!) barely made me feel satiated. Beef stroganoff cured my toothache, wow! I did well on the examination because my tooth didn't hurt anymore and I felt satiated.
Of course, it hurt terribly at the first bite but I kept on eating because I liked the taste of the dish. With every bite, the pain diminished a little bit so I kept on eating until my tooth didn't hurt anymore. That was why I ate so much and learnt the value of persistence in pushing through difficulties and pains (my Manhood was challenged and whipped by the soft noodles but I pushed through.) Russian dishes were great! Grade boosters absolutely, didn't you notice that virtually ALL of the heavy-lift rocket boosters since the U.S. Saturn V's used for the Moon landings, were Russian ones? The Saturn V's were of (formerly Nazi-)German-American design but the Russians eventually mastered how to control many small rocket engines bundled for heavy thrusting while still achieving stability.
The Russians lost the race to the Moon mostly due to their overly politicized system and lack of industrial might (to produce the singly humongous Saturn V heavy-lift rocket engines which obviated the stability-control problem faced by the Russians but the U.S. only had its "lunar-landing-lifetime" supply of them so after they had been used up for the Moon landings, Russian rocket boosters dominated the heavy-lift niche,) not for the want of brains. The U.S. just let the scientists and (a number of former Nazi-) engineers rip. Yep, yet more refugees (including some forgiven Nazi-war-criminals.) It's not only the Japanese Emperor and Imperial Army people who got away with war crimes. The U.S. was exercising Christian Grace to achieve national objectives: rebuilding Japan in peaceful image and landings on the Moon. The goal was well-defined but the means was up to the technologists, not the apparatchiki.
Yeah, let the Russians go to the Moon to verify the U.S. Moon landings! More than half of the U.S. may well get nervous about this Manhood-circumcising possibility but haven't you already anticipated that possible reaction from the Retarded States of America which is afflicted by shittoadency? Did Russia put beef stroganoff in the bomber sandwiches? I'm salivating just thinking of my past experience with beef stroganoff. I think I know why most Russians are not following Hinduism. "Where's the beef?" "In the p-brane, do I have mad-cow disease?" Holy... cowed by Heavenly Beef! That's Manheeftding but ZesUS's cut is still obscured :( However, I see Liberty in rapture. :) Maverick, GZUZ, Хаски!
Without war, more-portable radars and nuclear bombs were not developed and deployed. Without peace, there was no time to discover why a crystal rectifier worked during the war so no transistor was invented. It takes things and freed-up time to make new things. The more new things you have and are free in checking out these new-things' combinations, the likelier you will find valuable ones such as the transistor to be propagated to posterity. Add an 'r' from 're-creation' to evolution and we get 'revolution.' Simple!
Work to climb up Maslow's pyramid of needs and wants. My Bikini Party for Social Progress uses the "well-fed well-fucked" motto although more polite people call it as "satisfying well the needs for food and sex." The four operational pipeline stages of focus are HELP (Health, Education, Livelihood, and Passion. The people in this pipeline should be emptied out from the last stage first because Libya had done it in the wrong sequence, leading to civil unrest due to congestion in the pipeline. Get people fucking and fucked first so that they can have the strength of the pair bond to face down the vicissitudes of life together by sharing resources. On the average, no one on Earth starves anymore! What a glorious achievement in the last few decades unattained before in all of human history.)
A Chinese genetic researcher is sure gonna try = 1st gene edited baby
oh - is that what he's doing?
Yep - introduced 1st crispy baby to lowkey international outrage.