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Forum Post: America Is Cancer

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 5:14 p.m. EST by CHRISHEPBURN (44)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The USA is a cancer upon the planet the best way to fix things would be to ask Jim Jones for 270 Million bottles of Soda. Bunch of kids playing. Anybody real out there for they should be morally outraged at a woman stealing millions from charity. WWW.JUSTICEFORTHECHILDREN.ORG



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[-] 1 points by WhyIsTheCouchAlwaysWet (316) from Lexington, KY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by CHRISHEPBURN (44) 13 years ago

Yikes they have computers in OK hick central. WWW.FUCKOBAMA2012.COM

[-] 1 points by BashBro (4) 13 years ago

implying that the rest of the world is any better

It's two sides of the same coin, you just think its better but you are being controlled by the same type of dickheads that run our country, they just speak a different language or with an accent. The goals are the same, the tactics are the same. This isn't an American agenda, this can be and should be a global agenda.

[-] 1 points by CHRISHEPBURN (44) 13 years ago

I know to much history that is one problem. 20 years ago Holland was free now you would think bankers from Frankfurt were running the country.

[-] 1 points by CHRISHEPBURN (44) 13 years ago

Frankly the musings of anybody from MO mean little. I talk of Jim Jones in the metaphoric sense if The USA was a dog it would be put to sleep. Do you have Sigmund's home number. Meine mutter ist sehr geil.

[-] 1 points by tx8370 (8) 13 years ago

Most of Europe if not all is Socialist. They just pretend to be free. Do you know any history at all?

[-] 1 points by mindhawk (175) from Jefferson City, MO 13 years ago

I believe the admin should ban you, this is the second promotion of your campaign against some woman I have seen and your suggestion that the entire country commit suicide does not warrant any consideration whatsoever.

I recommend also, that if this is what you feel like doing with your day, that you seek the help of a psychiatric professional.

[-] 1 points by tx8370 (8) 13 years ago

America is the ONLY country in the world that allows you to live free and protest the way you are. Do you think other countries would put up with all your bullshit occupy shit, no way, they would just arrest you or worse shoot you on site. You should think twice about what you say. You may not like how this country is run or governed, but for over 230 years it has been the best nation on earth and a light of freedom to those who are oppressed more than you can imagine!

[-] 1 points by CHRISHEPBURN (44) 13 years ago

That is the problem with the USA this BS that it is the best country in the world. The mindset is like Albania under Hoxa

[-] 1 points by zowhatian (31) 13 years ago

...the only country? Perhaps you're forgetting most of western Europe is rather free...?

[-] 1 points by CHRISHEPBURN (44) 13 years ago

Depends where in Europe 20 year ago Europe was fun .