Forum Post: America First! America the beautiful!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 11:03 a.m. EST by unity2win
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This movement is just the beginning. Thank God it has begun. There are many good ideas here, and some not so good ideas. Here are some for those who care to contemplate...corporate America is ignoring the cause as is congress. They ignored The MADD ladies until over a million appeared outside their door. Wall street location is a waste of energy. The gathering needs to be located outside of the congressional building and make them deal with whats going on in America, instead of ignoring it and hoping it'll stall out. Business as usual. In the early 1980's a few women protested outside the congressional building on the steps about alcohol abuse and driving. These women had lost children to this and were attempting to speak with members of congress who were ignoring them (much in the same way their ignoring this cause) and were abruptly stuffed into police vehicals on public tv. Over the course of a few days over a million women were protesting outside of the congressional building and this caused congress to deal with them because they weren't going away and it was getting ugly. Why is this significant? MADD is the only cause that caused congress to act in the history of our country. If the cause is camped outside in the cold at a park somewhere, you're asstisting congress with ignoring the cause. They do not have to take any action. Coorporations act on congressional law. Congress has amended NAFTA many times behind closed doors and has allowed for the loss of jobs by accepting corporate lobbyist and their spiffs. Are we going to sputter out? Or are we going to take back our country. I say we should take back our country.
Then I believe the following things need to be accomplished:
1) Corporations need to bring our jobs back. period. If they dont want to, fine tax them severly, freeze their assets and offer it to someone who'll give Americans in this country good paying jobs with benefit packages. Tarifs are a good way to get their attention also. The bs over the international economy. The only economy that matters here is the American economy. Too many of our leaders and corporations have jumped into bed with China. The Chinese are not capitalist, their communist taking advantage of the greed that runs this country. They're laughing all the way to the bank. They giggle at the word Walmart. Every time they are challenged about jobs they throw up CAPITALISM. Capitalism is great. But these people have no right to destroy this great country and our economy, while defending themselves as capitalist!
2) Second, If you're not a citizen, or here legally, GET OUT! Period. When did we become an international welfare state? We need to take care of our own. Let the countrys that sent them here take them back and feed them and educate them.
3) Third, Everyone who's between 18 & 30 get into a uniform for four years and serve. Everyone. 95% of that population, handicapped or not has something to offer. There's plenty that needs to be done. Open the bases and close the jails. 87% of the jail population in America are incarserated for 1st time minor offences, wiping there asses with corporate tiolet paper. If you look at history, when the bases started closing back in the early 90's, more jails started opening. Corpoate America supplied the bases, and when they closed, they're now supplying the jails. Can you see the connection? Believe me, I know that some people need to be in jail, but the rest are there to make money for corpoations. America now has the largest jail population in the world. We use to have the lagest military. Can you see????
4) Stop the welfair and unemployment benefits when the jobs return and make everyone get a job and revive the AMERICAN DREAM! Don't want to work? Get out.
5) Stop spending Social Security. It was designed for workers retirement. Not a slush fund or disabled benefit package. There should be some kind of fund for those needs but not on the backs of people who paid into it for their golden years.
6) Stop the war. Seek peace. Seems they're a lot of short memories in this country. Anyone remember WWII? We made peace with Japanese. Take a look at what they did back in the 30's & 40's. If we can forgive them and be at peace, we can do the same for anyone. A 10 year war in sickining. Oil money. Alternative energy or not, we have plenty of oil.
There is more to do than this. I wish I could raise the money to run for KING, I believe that there are alot of traitors in our mits, and extreme measures are going to be needed to get things back to the way they use to be. AMERICA FIRST! AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL!