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Forum Post: [:] America caused the Fukushima nuclear accident? [:]

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 20, 2011, 8:23 a.m. EST by RobbinHoodz (2)
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[-] 1 points by RobbinHoodz (2) 13 years ago


new radiation map of the Fukushima nuclear disaster:


Couple weeks ago smoke was coming from the plant. So the goverment "cold shutdown" statement is a lie. Why I am not surprised?


Tokyo facing 10 times higher radiation than in Chernobyl:




And no, you can not compare bananas or space radiation with radiation particles. Couse they get inside you. And do not go away with urine or poo like banana. Space radiation will just affect your skin. In time radiation particles just collect in your brains, liver, bones... Even the smallest amount of radiation particles from nuclear disaster pose a great risk to your health.


Washington there was 100.000 times more radiation than normally:


And the authorities sayed just that radiation is, in fact, good for your health:


But oops, infant deaths rose in America, Philadelphia saw 48% rise on infant deaths:


Here is video from the Japan, Norway and France authorities:


Japan and Norway videos are censored.. But the France video is still online:


Mutated leafs from Finland last summer. Up is normal leaf, down is mutated leafs:


There is no danger in Japan from the radiation. Couse the authorities just raised the limits for radiation. So everything is fine, couse the limits do not break:


Another radiation map:


Everything is just great in Japan. Radiation is good for people. But why the grass is dying? Well, TEPCO workers have a solution to that too: we will just paint it back to green!


And a bit deeper of who really is trolling the internet..


Here is also information about the Fukushima nuclear disaster:


  • Guildmaster
[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

America caused the Fukushima nuclear accident?

only if we were engaged in volcanic perturbation

[-] 1 points by RobbinHoodz (2) 13 years ago


See the description field of this video, there is a link. The picture is from Finland last summer, mutated leafs couse of the Fukushima. And what we have learned is, that maybe we should stay indoors untill we get samples from the air which are not government controlled:


  • Guildmaster
[-] 1 points by ubercaput (175) from New York City, NY 13 years ago

Fukushima is a US-build reactor.

[-] 1 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Yep same one at Pilgrim power Station, not too far from me. A tsunami here would have same result.


[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

All right I must clarify what HAARP really is.. There is a conspiracy surrounding this device. It is utilized to modify the ionosphere. There is a hole in the magnetosphere. This device is used for study and research, as well as trying to patch the hole. We are being bombarded with solar radiation/magnetic rays. The magnetic north pole is shifting....There is secrecy surrounding HAARP device, it is in fact an ionospheric heater. Utilized for shield modification, to help protect us against the hole in magnetosphere field.

GO HERE: http://www2.nict.go.jp/y/y223/simulation/realtime/movie.html

Watch the March videos, DIVX decoder/codec/player required.

Compare to other dates, notice the pressure....The bow shock, caused by sun/solar wind is the cause of increased pressure, and the result is exposure. A Geo magnetic burst leaks through, and it builds tectonic pressure. In form of charged particles, the sun acts like microwave, and heats nickel/iron core. The result was the earthquake in Japan. HAARP is like duct tape on the hole in the glass.. HAARP is for modifying this effect. The device is not used on the people , trust me. It is saving us now. It will fail to when the sun gets to peak. Watch the video , do your own research and truth you will find....

[-] 1 points by hidden (430) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

They trying to patch a hole with giant microwave beam?

Don't you think, they are the ones punching the hole?

If I'm not mistaken, we have only 2 natural holes in our magnetosphere one on one pole and one on the other and they are there because of the nature of earth's magnetic field, which is toroidal.

Passing giant microwave beam trough ionosphere would create a plasma current perpendicular to the earth's surface which would create circular magnetic field around it, interfere with earth's magnetic field and theoretically create a hole or holes in the magnetosphere at the desired location.

Now, if you synchronize several small geomagnetic bursts, you can set them in specific location and at specific times to create a multi-directional earth vibration and a giant earthquake on at their intersection.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

I know they are messing with it. The hole was discovered before it went online. It could be they are making matters worse, it is still covering something up....I offer factors and do not disagree with you entirely... They are messing with it, trying to play god.. Only time will tell , but I must clarify it is not of microwave wavelength, Ghz is microwave this functions at HF/VHF with ELF/VLF production, where that in theory could cause earthquake/weather issues. Not at microwave frequency though...Electrojet modification. I am throwing out other points of view, not exact beliefs. It sparks debate, and only through this online think tank we will get to a definitive solution. If their goal is population reduction/disaster capitalism then it could be used for that purpose in theory. Go to USGS and notice the ring of fire; it doesn't look to promising for us...Your comment and theory holds some weight as in theory is possible. But for what reason do they mess with us?

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

They are possibly steering the van allen radiation belt and trying to use it to patch the hole. Why would they want total planetary aniahilation? I do think their experiments have caused some issues. What people forget is that the spot above Gaukona moves via the electrojet. I have been studying this since the mid 90s. There exists the possibility to population reduction.. But there is no way that amount of power at the micro tesla level outside the field is that strong. I know it sounds like a lot of watts, however - microwave radiation is GHz, HAARP operates way below in HF/VHF/ VLF/ELF which is low frequency in comparison. Not microwave band, but heat induced by electron acceleration/charging the particles... Not the same a microwaving in your oven....

[-] 1 points by hidden (430) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

How do you know what frequency they are using?

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

I have a VLF receiver, and personally monitor its transmission. They also use pieces of the old VHF / UHF analog TV band that is why they pushed digital mandate on public broadcast.. It is all public info again they never tell us why.

I linked them off the site and I can tell you there is some funny sounds out there ;)

I was into amateur radio(not licensed, just concept & took engineering), I was FCC licensed for telecom and broadcast/FM AM (I am expired now as it has all outdated except AM FM SW radio is all that is left I am no longer licensed unless I re-up for digital)

If you have a SW receiver you can hear it 1 MHZ-10 MHz, various carriers used to expand array and direct signal bounce path (propagation)

It is right to know info, they publish it , just don't say what it is being used for.






[-] 1 points by hidden (430) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

What you are picking up with your VHF receiver could very well be Beat) of much higher frequencies. What is the highest frequency you receiver is capable of receiving?

Also, you probably know that to tilt the beam between radiators, which is exactly what they have so many radiators for, you need to slightly adjust the phase on one side and guess what happens when you a line of radiators up each of which with slightly adjusted phase? If I'm not mistaken, that would create a completely new wave radiated in the direction that these radiators are lined up to.

I studied radio communication device construction and radio-location in collage.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

The beat is on UHF as carrier and sounds like Morse code but is not a word. (old analog tv) VHF sounds like cosmic radiation "spatial" no static, and modulate using HF. This array transmits on different beams , each with different frequency ranges. It is not microwave, predominately HF. The lower frequencies steer the beam. It is a focused array, that uses the UHF initially, then the VHF goes "inside" of the tunnel, and inside are the lower frequencies, like a big invisible coaxial cable pointed up. It accelerates electrons in the electrojet by charging and directing particles. The ionosphere is the most flexible conduit (most bandwidth can be achieved with this method) The theoretical consequences of these transmissions could steer the electrojet, charge the ionosphere resulting in discharges. The discharges in the ELF/VLF range could cause earthquakes, no doubt. But the sun is way more powerful. Based on my research, I feel they are shifting the rad belt, and steering it in such away to shield. The hole has always existed in mag field, and moved once the north pole began acceleration toward Siberia. It was heading in that direction, but sped up. There are many factors, however the sun is in a position/polarity/activity now combined with our pole shift/weakening field that puts US at risk - if a coronal mass ejection leaks through it will cause earthquakes/tsunamis/fires/and power outages on massive scale. You can get a regional receive online too, that I can tell you is the same crap I receive on base station google web sdr vlf and listen for yourself

[-] 0 points by mee44 (71) 13 years ago

I call BS.
