Forum Post: America can't bear four more years of ANY of the Presidential Candidates from EITHER party!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 8:37 p.m. EST by debbierl
from Adams, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I do not believe we have real representation with either corporately bankrolled major party. The majority of policies, appointments, and war perpetrated under Obama has been just as horrendous and destructive to the American citizenry as it was under Bush. There must come a time when the American citizenry refuses to be dictated by this two party corporate political game and rise up and take back their own power. It will require personal courage and the ability to step outside of fear and join together to unite around our principles rather then political parties. I hope that time is sooner then later. If people truly feel they must support the democrats and we simply have no other way forward, it is their right. I personally believe we are out of time. Climate change alone demands that we as citizens of the globe must radically act to save the planet and preserve any hope for future generations. The IAE just came out with their latest findings and stated that the window for climate change reversal closes in five years. (And, given that all the data keeps pointing to a faster rate of change then each prior report indicated, the five year timeline is generous). Given that Obama has just hired a lobbyist for the Keystone Pipleline project as his campaign manager and his appointments that advocate for big oil, we will not be garnering the leadership for this change from the President. By refusing to stand up against the entire political entity that is perpetuating the destruction of the earth's climate, we are sealing our own fate. We have no luxury of time. We have no next election cycle. I hope the Occupy movement will find a way to challenge the power structure in a way that forces our politicians to serve our interests and I will turn my energies to advocating for that advance. I don't know how we move forward, I only know this much. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results, our means of political engagement is over the top crazy. Help us all.
Republican-democrat= same old, same old crap
Neither party truly represents the American people as they are both bought out. Sadly, we don't have a third party candidate. I desperately want a populist party, but let's be honest here the powers that be will never have it. If we got a populist president, then he/she would be assassinated within the year of getting into office. Sorry for being so morbid, but the greedy elitist do not want their gravy train stopping for anything.
The people need to fight back and put an end to our politicians being bought out. Their needs to be a revolution. Enough is enough already.
Well guess what life isn't fair how bout u go run for president yourself and c where that gets us.....America is built on certain principles and voting is one of them and it is fair. Oh and the list of demands from OWS is outrageous and would ruin us. Forgiveness of debt? Wow.
First, we do not have a fair election system in this nation. Greg Palast is an excellent source on this subject, and it is worthwhile for everyone to do some reading on the subjects of redistricting, electronic machines voting insecurity and remote hacking, and the privatization of voting machines by companies with direct national political party ties. Plus, the outrageous voter id laws that invariably serve to keep poor, elderly, student/young, and minority voters from the polls. Two, OWS is absolutely exquisite in their language about a vision for the future. The manifesto reads like a new Constitution of the Peoples' Rights. Three, we already HAD huge forgiveness of debt. Corporate debt. Criminal debt. And, the tax payers were handed the bill!
I just observed that the link to the IAE report was broken: let's see if this works.
Oh, and Viva La Occupy!
I thin we should elect you because you have exposed the truth
And yet we the people just keep on voting for them.
Voting isn't democracy.
No, it isn't democracy..especially with privately owned hackable machines. As long as we recognize that neither party will represent our interests, we will have the mindset to approach problems from a new direction. It is telling that it is commonplace to hear dialogue around corrupt and detrimental government policies agains the citizenry constantly to referred to as Republican. Yet, the democrats perpetuate the same thing and people will continue to support politicians from the democratic party who govern the same as Republicans. And, then chastise Republicans for voting against their own best interests. It is really bizarre. I guess my hope is that people will wake up to the reality of the government as a corporately owned whole, and stop working to elect and voting for candidates who conflict with everything this movement stands for.....I think the perception shift would spawn huge empowerment. Same concept as a battered spouse leaving their abuser.