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Forum Post: America are we OK with this picture??

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:34 p.m. EST by redstarpa (0) from Allentown, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hey GOP.. Really - you guys want to kill the Obama's Jobs bill? Welcome to the land of the FREE and home the BRAVE (#Occupy Wall Street).. free to not to get/pay tax, free get out of jail card, free not to hire more employees, free not to pay corporate tax, they are free because they are rich.. we are not free.

Everybody wants to be rich in some way, but not to be taxed like everybody? WTF!! Because you worked hard for this money, and now you don't want to get taxed on it.. A big F-U!! Your going to pay taxes like everybody else, if you don't like it then get fuck out of my country!!!

If you live in this country, EVERYBODY should pay there fair share - no matter what, at any income level anyone is at.. FREEDOM, CIVIL LIBERTIES & PROTECTION ISN'T CHEAP!!!!!!!!!

America - are we really FREE from anything? Is this a turning point to the next US Civil war? Are we OK with - on how the fed gov't is running our house? Are we OK with - on how the fed gov't is giving other countries our hard earn money? Are we OK with - on how elected people in public office are looking the other way and not listing to us? Are we OK with - on how the 90% of the working class is paying taxes on - NO tangible results? ARE WE OK WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT???????

I say we should change the

SAY NO - to the any election candidate who isn't for the PEOPLE!! SAY NO - to elected officials who express "NO" vote on the

America are we OK with this picture??




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