Forum Post: amendment to overturn citizens united
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 2, 2012, 4:50 p.m. EST by ericweiss
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
endorsed by Obama.....
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 2, 2012, 4:50 p.m. EST by ericweiss
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
endorsed by Obama.....
Where is this amendment? I want to read it.
The only way to change the unconstitutional ruling by the supreme court is to add an amendment to the constitution which would make the law constitutional.
Contribution based politics are a scam.
they are ALL on our web site - with an analysis
plus 67+ videos from Chomsky, Sanders, Maher, Lessig, etc
put it in text here
there are over 12 amendments ON THE SITE!
no signup required they are all word docs.
did you try to read ANY of them ?!?!?!
Maybe you do not realize that downloading sucks. Put your proposals in .html so they are instantly accessed. Downloading stuff you end up not wanting, then you have to find it to know you don't want it, then find it again to throw it away = bogus.
Making downloads for activist content is corporatism. At least your link worked with my antique browser.
Obama just mentioned support for amendment reversing citizens united. He did it because the elite prodded him to make "amendment noises" because they are afraid the people might actully dump the (mis) representations etc. and make new everything with Article V.
FYI- this is NOT the first time Obama advocated an amendment to overturn CU
Our website allows you to view a file without downloading it
And I'd bet 90%+ of Americans have no idea what an Article V convention is or the its biggest backer is ALEC
When did O mention an amendment before to overtun CU?
I looked for "Please click one of the five | RED BUTTONS |" but my browser displays none. I found no html files to view, only downloads.
ALEC was probably directed to advocate Article V to make people afraid of ART5. Most of the opposition I see to Article V refers to ALEC as reason to be afraid of Article V. They never address the safety Article V gains when the concept of preparatory amendment is presented. That makes them cognitive infiltrators and ALEC a prime tool for that.
browsers can work differently
mine gives you an option to view the files OR download most of the docs are in word - if you dont have word, that may be the problem but if you don't have word, you could not read them if you downloaded them however you can view 70+ videos ( most are short )
Where is the amendment Obama supports and is trying to push through Congress?
Your link is not that.
Did they put this kind of legislation on the DNC platform this week?
Specifically - Obama supports "an amendment" - since there are 12 - he does not back a specific one. Does the DNC support Citizens United - maybe you can figure it out.
How many of our documents and amendments did you look at ?
ALL of the amendments are there on the site
the DNC and RNC get more free coverage by news stations during the primaries than they get from paid ads
Okay so he talks. Did he write a note too?
I've seen enough talk. Remember when he went on a campaign around America touting his jobs bill? He needs to do that with a specific written amendment. How long since the citizens united ruling do you have to wait to add this to top importance?
He WROTE a jobs bill
the Rs in the house are afraid to vote on it
the President cannot "write" or "propose" an amendment
it must come from the house or senate
The president has proven that he is willing to sign executive orders on some very corrupt shit.
You cant back reversing CU and create a sUperPac. Thats called a hypocrit.
You're misinterpreting what I said.
Elite are worried of citizens unity for Article V. Puppet promises. IF it were real, he'd say it on TV. The elite do not want the general public wondering "WTF Article V is?".
"Endorsed" may be too strong a term. It sounded more like a lukewarm maybe, sometime later, which he already predicts will fail.
Obama said:
"Over the longer term, I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United (assuming the Supreme Court doesn't revisit it). Even if the amendment process falls short, it can shine a spotlight of the super-PAC phenomenon and help apply pressure for change."
Not good enough for?
demand elections be national and state holidays
Here IS the OWS "norquistian" pledge
go to the pledge tab
AFTER you watch the 65 videos from Bill Maher, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Hedges etc.
But I am doing it
people don't even discuss with each other how much they make
Do as I say, not as I do....
amendments are tough to pass
i would hate to have to waste one just to stop citizens united
how about direct voting veto power over congressional laws ?
PLEASE go to our OWS website THREE polls show 75%-85% favor an amendment ALREADY!
there are a DOZEN bills already in congress - blocked by the Rs in the house
we want to do must start with voting out the obstRuctionist paRty
That would produce mob rule. If we would have direct veto power, then what is the point of them being there? We would not have the time or the knowledge to pursue over the hundreds or thousands of bills that pass through congress. Presidential line item veto would be better. In that way, bills would not have so many amendments (pork) and would have to start standing on their own. A line item veto might not need ammendment change, rather just legislative or procedural agreement. But is might be a separation of powers issue.
line item veto HAS BEEN ruled unconstitutional in the federal govt
why not just go after what an overwhelming majority say they want???
As you are aware, amendments are not an everyday occurrence, to craft the language and then to pass it would be a difficult path, with no guarantee of passing. Not saying not to try, but maybe there are better ways. But if it fails to pass, then ?
The ONLY way to override SCOTUS is an amendment or a new SCOTUS.
A dozen bills are already IN CONGRESS
blocked by the Rs in th house
What then ? - ELECT PRO-AMENDMENT representatives
80% of Americans approve of an amendment
In what way are R's blocking these billls?
this kind of bill has to go thru the House Judiciary Committee -
and they won't vote on any of them
members include lemons: gomert, issa, king, quale, etc
As long as the house is blocked by the Rs,
like Mitch McTurtle proclaimed,
our country is stalled
This is not the place to campaign.
An OWS working group? Did I miss something or is that your proof?
did you have the courage to look at the three polls that prove it?
You reply is an incomplete sentence. I must be missing what you are trying to say or prove. Your link to a OWS working group that has about 1,400 hits. ???
were you able to find the polls on the site?
click at the documents tab
do you need me to tell you which document numbers to look at?
FYI this OWS site can be used by anyone - not just OWS members
Found it and saw the results. Let's see what happens. Again, crafting language on this might be the challenge. It certainly would also expose all those who feed at the trough based on who side they stand on.
FYI: these bills are supported by
380+ local & state resolutions
28 US Senators [ nearly all D ]
92 US House members [ nearly all D ]
what is mob rule?
Just to ask Matt and not to disrespect but how old are you and what education did you complete? Just so I can write an appropriate explanation at a level you will comprehend.
46 master in science physic
wrote an epic and a lot more, been in student government, 8 years forum poster. 10+ dance, singing lessons
what is mob rule?
I saw Frankenstein too
Mob rule in this example would be where people, usually in a hysteria mentality or egged on by others, do things that when in a more calm moment of good thought would not do. An extreme example is a lynch mob in the old west. But in direct veto, we would likely see some strange voting due to this behavior, and even stranger result when a lower participation occurs.
PS what epic did you write? Anything published or out on the net?
hysteria mentality
that costs lots of endurance