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Forum Post: Amendment 28 A Proposal to change the United States Constitution

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 5:54 p.m. EST by johnhodgson1111 (0)
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An Proposal to Create an 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This Amendment proposes that an Electronic Vote and Voter be included in Legislative Functions of Congress. To Reserve the Right to Propose Laws to the House of Representatives; the ability to vote and to pass legislation in the House and Senate.

Amendment 28 -- Establishment of Electronic Representative in the House and Senate a) There shall be established an Public Electronic Vote of One Vote Per State in the Senate, This will be a 1 to 2 ratio of 1 Electronic vote to 2 Elected Representative vote in the Senate. There shall be established an Public Electronic Vote in the House to be an 1 to 2 ratio of 1 Electronic vote to 2 Elected Representative vote in the House of Representatives. These ratios of votes shall be consistent and not subject to change. b) An Senate Electronic Vote shall be collected from each state, to represent that Senate Electronic Vote; a single Senate Electronic Vote shall be cast per majority vote of registered voters of that State; for that respective legislative function. c) An House Electronic Vote shall be collected from each state by the 1to 2 ratio of Electronic Vote to Elected House Representatives of that State. Each State will have a 1 to 2 ratio of Electronic votes to the Total Elected Representatives of that State. Electronics Vote shall be cast by popular Electronic Vote in accordance and keeping of 1 to 2 Total Elected Representatives of that State per district; for that respective legislative function. d) The House of Representatives Electronic Vote shall reserve the right to propose legislative law per majority vote of the Total Electronic Votes in respective House or Senate, or legislative changes to the proposed legislative law, in either the House or the Senate. e) A required majority of Votes Consisting of the Electronic and Elected Representatives of the House shall be required to pass forth legislative law. A required majority of Votes Consisting of the Electronic and Elected Representatives of the Senate shall be required to pass forth legislative law. f) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing access and security in order to enable a Registered Voter to Vote as an Electronics Voter. g) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing legal assistance to proposed legislative laws from Electronic Voters to be proposed before the House of Representative to be voted upon by the House. h) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing legal assistance to amend proposed legislative laws from the House and Senate to be voted upon by the Electronic Voter. i) The Electronic Voter shall have the means of providing regular voting periods, to enable the smooth running of the Congress. The Electronic Voter shall have timely legislative proposals to be evaluated upon on an Electronic Platform in a regular manner. j) There shall be no interaction between lobbyist's and the Federal Government Persons providing legal assistance to the Electronic Voter. The Activity of the Federal Government and State Electronic Vote shall be separated from lobbyists and representatives of Political Action Groups. k) Information provided to the Electronic Voters, on those Platforms that collect the means of collecting votes and proposals shall be accurate and correct by a scientific peer review; On a national level, as well as a local level.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

Wait... so you want to make the system automated... As if they weren't rigging the system before...

[-] 1 points by infonomics (393) 13 years ago

Direct online democracy...Now!

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

I hate the whole idea of trusting electronic anything that has to do with voting. To easily hacked or rigged.