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Forum Post: Am I the only one here praising God for foreclosed homes?

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 8:28 p.m. EST by freewriterguy (882)
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I was just wondering if there is any other poor person in america who had never bought their first home until the foreclosure tsunami, and is praising God for getting an opportunity to own a home now that the prices are down.



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[-] 2 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

I didn't buy a foreclosed home but I was able to buy a much larger and nicer home because of the housing downturn than I would have been able to 5-7 years ago.

[-] 1 points by Ninetyninenot (-57) 13 years ago

Great post. The market needs to clear and to reallocate housing and adjust its price. The OWS goons and their mindless chanting support squatting, simply taking the things you've stopped paying for. But allowing the system to adjust, and capitalism excels at this stuff, has some wonderful outcomes. You get it, OWSers don't.

Lower prices benefit new buyers. An entire generation less in debt for housing is in the making, all by the free market and all by letting things play out.

[-] 1 points by slammersworldisback (-217) 13 years ago

I got my house in December 2009, right after the biggest part of the decline and paid the same amount as the seller had 6 years before......he got his money out and I got a GREAT deal...everyone was happy