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Forum Post: Am I Crazy???

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 3:15 p.m. EST by DSFreeworld (6)
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I want to know if I am crazy for my thoughts and I will trust all of you to tell me.

Don't you think that if we stopped buying goods and services that we don't really need to survive that they will heed to our calls? If we somehow got everyone in all the cities that this is popping up to stop going to the movies? Stop buying DVDs, CDs etc... Stopped spending that dollar or two here and there and cut off the funding to the machine?

Wall Street only exists because we feed it. The 1% only exist because we feed them. What if we denied the beast its meals? Won't it starve? Won't it beg for nourishment at that point and heed to its masters wants/needs?

I feel like we can control them because we give them the money that makes them. Why can't we stop giving it to them?

Consumer spending is measured with so much weight because that consumer confidence indicator is what makes the market tick at the end of the day. Stop buying non-essentials. Buy basic food and gas. Put the money back in our own pockets while starving them.

I think the problem with my theory, or pipe dream if you will, is that none of us, or at least most of us, cannot do that. We would look only at the short term - denial of life's "little pleasures". By not looking past the 6 inches in front of our faces we would miss the long term and true effect - they would be begging us to come back.



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[-] 1 points by DSFreeworld (6) 13 years ago

I guess I just wish we could take our country back. We're such prisoners to the very politicians that we vote into office because while we can vote them in and out we cannot grease their wheels the way the 1% can.

I appreciate this movement and all of you as fellow Americans who just want our country back to a place that makes more sense than it does today, but I am very pessimistic about our futures.

[-] 1 points by urbin (1) 13 years ago

to make a significant impact on corporate bottom lines that could be effective in this way requires a critical mass that can only be achieved by changing the hearts and minds of middle americans who aren't looking for such a drastic change. all the more reason this movement needs to have a care and not splinter into ideological camps. keep the message simple.

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 13 years ago

the problem is that I thought the premise was that the 1% already had all the money. if we make them live on the money they already what happens (beside credit drying up)? If the 1% have so much, I don't think they will starve. Plus you have remember that the top 10% represents about 30% of the consumer economy anyway.

[-] 1 points by JeffBlock2012 (272) 13 years ago

boycotts rarely work because they require close to 100% participation.

and we're already cutting down on buying stuff and that's part of the reason why new jobs are not being created.

[-] 1 points by hotdoghenry (268) 13 years ago

Yes you are crazy

[-] 1 points by Fuckoutsourcingjobs (15) 13 years ago

you should never stop buying from locally owned stores and business. We need to remove any stocks that you have invested in wall street and close your bank accounts and move them to a locally owned federal credit union of some sort.

[-] 1 points by Joe300 (30) from Wolcott, VT 13 years ago

seconded. with emphasis on taking money out of giant banks and putting them in local banks/credit unions.

[-] 1 points by jssss (71) 13 years ago

yes consumer spending DOES change things. for example, the whole 'buy organic' movement. once money was being made, stores started stocking more of it.... coincidence? i think not.