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Forum Post: Am I An Activist?!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 10:21 a.m. EST by BehindTheWall (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I started to post to Occupy Wall Street because I am growing in my understanding of how things are really working in American and moving away from my old 'Leave it to Beaver' paradigm. The scary truth is much scarier than I thought, or at least it appears that way to me now.

Consider This...

Liar politicians, like drones are sent into the battlefield en mass by corporations turned 'evil.' Sure we could shoot down a few drones, but the heads of the evil corporations, from the comfort of their trophy houses will surely manufacture new ones faster than we can say, 'chamber of farts!' Consumers are moving quickly to remove the head from the snake, but I'm not sure what they can really do about it (blood and beatings? ....nay, I certainly hope not).

The real America I live in isn't powered by corporations, but by the ingenuity, the creativity and the strength of its people, the ones with vision who develop the new gizmos that we all enjoy, not 'The Money' that buys up rights to move production of our creative ideas offshore, then moves on to buy up, cord off and systematically rape our environment for further resources they will use to fight unnecessary political wars.

'Capitalizing' on the backs of an oppressed population is inherently evil. We can play around thinking that if we had doubled a Chinese worker's salary (saying $10/day is better than $5/day) is precisely what is wrong with our current corporate environment. Have these big guys ever given honest and serious consideration to what is truly a livable wage, here or there?


Hint: The answer is not within the $5-$10/day price range.
Think: WWJD?

There, I've said it! This bull, really needs to stop!



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