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Forum Post: Alternatives / suggestions for Human Microphone (USE A PROJECTOR ONTO A BACKDROP)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:01 a.m. EST by anothervoice773 (5)
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I've seen that the human microphone has worked well and extremely happy to see this idea come about. BUT what if projectors are used to project a speech / talk / chant / orders onto a reasonably sized canopy for others to be able to read. Projectors are relatively affordable and a backdrop can be made of bed sheets.

Any suggestions?



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[-] 2 points by fivetimesthefun (107) from Queens, NY 13 years ago

that's a good idea

People have also been talking about using some kind of phone broadcasting thru VOIP not sure exactly whow that works

The people's mic does slow things down and some of the guest speakers dont look too comfortable with the halting way of speaking

[-] 1 points by anothervoice773 (5) 13 years ago

Did some googling of VOIP can't really see a clear way of how it can work, but I hope more ideas and suggestions can come out to speed up the Peoples Mic. In the end anything to make speech more fluid again can help tremendously. I think the projector can work out great just think of it as a presidents speech and we are reading along with him. We connect better when we read the words ourselves. Also it keep up with the great thing that People's Mic does, allows focus, a key speaker and a chance for everyone to keep tabs on who is saying what.

[-] 1 points by anothervoice773 (5) 13 years ago

Keep the suggestions coming! Again the idea here is to make our public addresses while out protesting more audible for others to speed up public speaking.

[-] 1 points by klaptrap (1) 13 years ago

The human microphone is a fantastic idea and a simplistic approach to amplifying the speakers message but it does detract from the overall impact of the speech as the emotion and gusto is punctuated by the short sentences and an un-synchronised echo. Julian Assange's speech at OccupyLSX 15th October - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esnypOKpBgs - is a fine example of this. The transcript of this speech, including the pause is available at http://www.voicegig.com/view-speech/1717/deconstruction-/-construction-of-law---occupylsx---st-pauls-cathedral-julian-assange/

[-] 1 points by legalassistant (164) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I was just coming here to suggest this.

Of course, there are other ways to get creative about public address:

• Focused sound beamed in from a distance: This setup could be setup blocks away, or a nearby friendly resident's window and bounced off a building, or a big balloon in the park. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/13/coke_can_acoustic_lens/

• simple handheld radio receivers tuned into a central channel. Many of these could be custom built for less than 20 a piece, each with a 10 to 20 person range each. They can be distributed to volunteers.

The law is "no amplified sound", but we all know a cell phone on speaker can be extremely loud, so there must be some play in the law in terms of what is considered to be permissible.