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Forum Post: Alt-Right Using Pandemic to Push Extemist CULT Agenda

Posted 4 years ago on April 13, 2020, 10:48 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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The alt -right has been pushing their extremist agenda on our country for years. What does this entail?

War against workers.

Ayn Rand Worship. (She lived the remainder of her life on social security - a fact they continue to ignore). They push to annihilate all social safety nets including social security.

Monopoly Rule.

Stock Market One Percent Trumps Humanity.

Money is King.

Cookie Cutter Mono Culture (anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-progressive, anti-atheist, anti-anything they despise). CONTROL over others lives and bodies. They believe men and women have very specific roles and like Pence who will not be in a room alone with anyone but his wife - these believe roles must be strictly adhered to in a cult-like fashion. Men must be manly and macho and women feminine. Women are designed to reproduce and caretake and men are designed to lead and tell them what to do. They believe gay people and transgender people are abominations of the devil - they don't make the association that they don't like them and therefore they deemed it is God's will to cut off their genitals as infants and assign them a role. They view anything they don't like as God's will. They can't look at anything objectively. Their wealth and status reinforces their belief that their thoughts are true and correct, as do the other members of their CULT.

Corporate Control of Government and Media. Money is King. Manipulation of the Masses is a right.

Extreme deregulation and privatization. Libraries are seen as liberalist institutions designed to spread mis-information. Knowledge and education is the enemy of this CULT. Freedom of information is a liberalist fallacy - the right to know - is only what they see as important. And only those they deem as important should have any rights to information. They view the masses as dumb sheep and cattle who need to be steered and carefully molded.

Socialization and communism for corporations - austerity and control and red tape for the masses.

Depopulation Ideology. Only the Strong (in this case rich) Shall Survive. They believe God has made them chosen and special. Those who die - they believe it is God's will, as are all human tragedies. They believe their own thoughts come directly from God. IE If they decide they should go to war over commodities - it must be God telling them to make it happen. The poor are poor because God chose them to be poor. Everything is God's will which reinforces their own right to greed. They reinforce their own disordered thinking by connecting all their thoughts to God and God's will. They believe God is speaking to them directly. And every thought they have - they believe comes from God; which reinforces their own dysfunctional beliefs and disordered thinking.

For years the alt-right has been changing law and pumping money into Washington to reinforce their own delusions and ordainment as the deciders and chosen elite. They are now taking unprecedented steps to bring this agenda to its fullest realization.

The callous disregard of human life is coming to fruition. The belief that they have a special right to control others and destroy life as they see fit. The belief that the poor deserve their fate and that workers are meant to be stripped of their identities in service of their corporate regimes and tyranny. In effect they believe they are servants of a cruel but just God that reinforces their own delusions of grandeur and self ordained "angels" of God as they see him.

In fact the alt-right is a dysfunctional personality disordered CULT - whose inherited wealth has allowed them to carry out their dysfunctional fantasies in a sick social experiment that plays with real human lives like a chess game and wages real WAR on our democracy and American way of life. The American way of life where dreams and upward mobility are actually achievable and equality and level playing field allows that to happen. A life where happiness is possible and society works together so we uphold one another as opposed to stepping on them to get ahead. A society where the collective voices and taxes of the people employ our government to look out for our well-being, over monied interest and dangerous cult agendas.

It is time to wage war on the Alt-Right agenda. We must defeat these tyrannical forces which have manipulated the masses into voting for their once hidden and destructive agendas which is now making itself plain as day at the worst time possible. The lack of humanity "let the chips fall where they may" entitlement as they rob Americas tax trough blind to fill their own self-entitled coffers is leading to human suffering and death which must not be allowed to continue. If we have to pull Trump and his administration kicking and screaming from leading our nation into tyranny - then we must do it - before this agenda and treasonous war is allowed to take any more steps of WAR against the people of this once great nation. We have allowed a CRAZY CULT to infultrate our democracy. A CRAZY CULT that has gone further than any CRAZY CULT possible because they were born into money. A CRAZY CULT which reinforces their belief system with that CULT and uses their inherited collective wealth to push their CRAZY CULT agenda onto our democracy like a trojan horse, concentrating their efforts on buying out all media, destroying internet neutrality, pumping out propaganda and blacking out information, electing officials which duly adhere to their CULT agenda and effecting elections in whatever ways they can, then changing laws to suite their psychotic disordered agendas to RULE the population and implement a caste system, and ridding society of the people they see as undesirable. Effectually they want a GATED democracy in which the rich do as they please and the masses are under tight tyrannical control - to be used in service of their needs at their whim.



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[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"White Supremacist Groups are Recruiting with help from Corona Virus and a Popular Messaging App" by Billy Perrigo & appended in support of points in your very important OP:

multum in parvo et caveat!

(a lot in a littlle & beware!)

Re: "It is time to wage war on the Alt-Right agenda. We must defeat these tyrannical forces which have manipulated the masses into voting for their once hidden and destructive agendas which is now making itself plain as day at the worst time possible. The lack of humanity (&) "let the chips fall where they may" entitlement as they rob Americas tax trough blind to fill their own selfentitled coffers is leading to human suffering and death which must not be allowed to continue."Couldn't agree with that more even if I tried!

Solidarity In The Struggle!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"As protests against police violence spread to every state in the U.S. and dramatic images flooded in from cities across the country, President Donald Trump and his attorney general spun an ominous story of opportunistic leftists exploiting a national trauma to sow chaos and disorder. They were the anti-fascists known as “AntiFa”, and according to the administration they were domestic terrorists who would be policed accordingly.

"But while the White House beat the drum for a crackdown on a leaderless movement on the left, law enforcement offices across the country were sharing detailed reports of far-right extremists seeking to attack the protesters and police during the country’s historic demonstrations, a trove of newly leaked documents reveals." from ...

fiat lux ...