Forum Post: Already MORE THAN 70% of Americans are FAVORABLE to the OWS Movement!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 6:10 p.m. EST by TIOUAISE
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
According to a recent "Time" poll, 54% of Americans are favorable to the OWS protests, while 23% are unfavorable.
HOWEVER, 24% of respondents did not know enough or would not answer.
This means that 70.1% of Americans who DO know enough to answer the question are favorable to the OWS protests, while 29.9% are unfavorable.
NOT BAD for a protest that has been on for less than amonth and that has been bombarded with negative publicity by the mainstream media!
My prediction is that support will CONTINUE to grow. What makes me so confident is the stunning majorities in the answers to some of the other question, for example:
1 - Do you agree or disagree with the position that "WALL STREET AND ITS LOBBYISTS HAVE TOO MUCH INFLUENCE IN WASHINGTON"?
86% agree.
Only 11% agree.
2 - Do you agree or disagree with the position that "THE GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR IN THE UNITED STATES HAS GROWN TOO LARGE"?
79% agree.
Only 17% disagree.
You will find the full poll results on:
Good Job! Moral support from Florida. We went through this in the sixties. It took awhile but it changed the government and ended the war. Seniors show your support. Are you happy with 1% CD rates while bankers get millions in bonuses? Let us get involved. Where is AARP when we really need it?
Definitely! It's a natural fit! (Much more so than the Ron Paul crowd).
Ultimately this is about priorities (people) and allocation of resources (much more equitable distribution).
In Finland they decided to end homelessness; and they're making huge strides. But they're still one of the most successful countries on the planet, economically. We can do that kind of thing. We should do that kind of thing.
And most definitely, this movement is very in line with AARP.
I'm 52 myself! :D
Yes, seniors, by all means PLEASE DO get involved. The OWS Patriots are fighting for YOU too!
Good Job! Moral support from Florida. We went through this in the sixties. It took awhile but it changed the government and ended the war. Seniors show your support. Are you happy with 1% CD rates while bankers get millions in bonuses? Let us get involved. Where is AARP when we really need it?
Someone average guy from downtown Manhattan told me "It's the best thing that has happened to this country since George Bush left office".
I myself would go as far as to say: It's the best thing since Johnson announced in 1968 that he would not be running for a second term (because of the Vietnam War protests).
This is a GREAT LEAP FORWARD for "We The People". But we musn't allow ourselves to become complacent. SO MUCH needs to be done! We really have our work cut out for us.
I wonder if Fox news would be willing to accept a paid television commercial on behalf of the movement? I'm sure they'd rip it apart... but it would be seen by their viewers. I wonder how much it would cost?
Fox news had a poll that reflects the overwhelming support OWS has around the nation!!!
Fox news had a poll that reflects the overwhelming support OWS has around the nation!!!
THAT must be a tough pill to swallow for Fox News, eh?
Do any others have this inkling that we are actually moving toward a NATIONAL CONSENSUS?
this is awesome news. i think that's a great point, that support for the movement will also grow. i think "wall street and its lobbyists have too much influence in washington" and "the gap between rich and poor in the united states has grown too large" are two of the main issues emerging from our movement, and as we consolidate on those goals, and it becomes clear to people these are primary issues our protests seeks to address, support will grow.
Absolutely! I think we are rapidly moving toward a NATIONAL CONSENSUS...
If we can achieve such a consensus, then perhaps the WHOLE, HOPELESSLY DYSFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM of government, including the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, the intelligence agencies, etc. could be DISSOLVED and a Convention called to rebuild America from the ground up - - an America that we could all be proud of.
Some scholars are convinced that the Congress has in fact long been BREAKING THE LAW by blocking the convening of the regular Conventions called for by the Constitution. This is an avenue that OWS should, in my view, explore with great care in order to declare our whole system of goverment ILLEGAL and hence, in need of abolishment. America could then start fresh. But that is not to say that we should simply forget the past.
If this Jeffersonian "Second American Revolution" is successful, I believe a People's Commission of Inquiry should be set up to investigate ALL forms of major wrongdoing, at EVERY level, and people like Bush, Cheney, Rove, Obama and a host of prominent CEOs would NOT be immune to prosecution.
well, rebuilding America from the ground up could be amazing, but those ambitions are little too lofty for me to really imagine. but godspeed in your efforts.
i personally think dylan ratigan's proposed amendment to the Constitution to end the influence of lobbyists and campaign contributions on our democracy would be an immediate and vast improvement to our political system.
Somehow I doubt that trying to fix America IN A PIECEMEAL MANNER would work. It's like trying to make a pie with an apple that's rotten to the core... Better throw it away and buy another one, even if you're low on cash and the store is 5 blocks away. At least, you know you'll end up with a great pie.
I just don't agree. I think America has an outstanding democratic model in place, but since money was declared 'speech' in the 80s, lobbying and campaign donations have destroyed our democratic process. our representatives serve their donors and not their voters, and they don't listen to their hearts.
we need to demand our representatives stop allowing money to be protected as speech, and if they don't, we need to vote in representatives that will. end money as speech, limit the amounts an individual can donate to a campaign to a level people in poverty can afford, and the American government will represent the average citizen again.
start a party, get the word out via the web, and start taking seats in the government for true change! the corporate puppet positions will never just change we must force it. Not with violence but with the other power the American people still have. We need to start to represent are self's and get organized to take back the house senate and presidency, but we must start now.
bump. Resisters, America is on your side!
All your hard work and fantastic attitude is working.
Today Warren Buffet revealed what his actual paid taxes. and in New York, Raj Rajaratnam, the hedge fund billionaire at the center of the biggest insider-trading case in U.S. history, was sentenced Thursday to 11 years behind bars — the stiffest punishment ever handed out for the crime.
"His crimes and the scope of his crimes reflect a virus in our business culture that needs to be eradicated," U.S. District Judge Richard J. Holwell said. "Simple justice requires a lengthy sentence." The jail time is because of your efforts.
Keep Strong and United (dry and warm) We are with you Mike D. from Philly
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour; (...)
He has shown strength with his arm
and has scattered the proud in their conceit,
Casting down the mighty from their thrones
and lifting up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things
and sent the rich away empty." (Luke 1)