Forum Post: Alpitalism
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:51 a.m. EST by moose26
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It's time for a change. To prevent greed from governing our lives, politcs and social mindset. Most people can be altruistic. We do care how our actions affect others. Capitalism is not evil, the desire to own more than we need is. Perhaps it's time for Alpitalism (Altruistic Capitalism). When a successful person reaches a point that they realize that they have enough. Maybe it's not necessary to own a $50 million dollar mansion, maybe a $25 million dollar mansion is enough. Maybe it's not necessary to own a $30 million dollar yacht, maybe a do without the gold plated faucet or just have 2 servants instead of 6. Now imagine taking that extra money you just saved and paying for the paving of a road you drive on or covering the costs of maintaining a favorite park you visited as a child. Perhaps, instead of charging $100 for a baseball ticket you could make it $50. Guess what might happen, people would have more money to spend and they would spend it and the successful people would still make it back. Could Alpitalism work? Maybe it's the next social experiment to begin here, the last one was called Democracy.