Forum Post: all people
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 3:29 p.m. EST by changeislife
from Boston, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Less we all foget the last time people of this nation were oppresed by the greed of its leaders it also started in such ways with taxes on the poor the reclaiming of lands settled by colonist worked developed and made sustainable through thier hard work and lives.(our homes)They will take every single one if there is money to be made they thirst for their god(MONEY) on the strong backs of those who need work and food for thier children. They will continue to oppress the 99% until we are a fuedel society this is where this great capitallistic system is headed. We must demand the end to lobbiests in washington they are the purveyors of unspeakable acts that effect all people world wide. We must stay united in our efforts for real change not just small tokens of relent because of the pressure that this great movement of people has and will continue to put upon the leaders that we thought we could trust with our personel existence upon a planet that belongs too all its people not just the priveleged 1%.Every day our children become the human sacrifices of this 1% to protect thier intrests in thier supposed wars for democracy. Shall we live in fear of repucussion while our children die and look to us and ask why.We should ask that question of ourselves everyday. Their needs to be imedeite change in foriegn policy around the world. The wars we now wage in Iraq and Afganastain must end and the people of thier own nations decide that they will no longer be oppresed by dictatorships. We take our lessons from these nations that have already done so (Egypt Libiya)Do not let the fear of change overcome any of us.Change will be welcomed by millions world wide.Our demands must be heard.