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Forum Post: All I Want to Know, Is Where did my Hard-earned Money Go???

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:49 p.m. EST by cherokee (0)
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Oh, what a corporate mess, Congress says it must address, For much of the 90’s largess, It now had to redress. A problem that began with itself, From self-dealing right off the shelf, Due to those slick-dealing lobbyists, Who claimed to be well-meaning hobbyists. They blocked the SEC on the rule of expense, And kept the public all in suspense. Even Senator Joe Lieberman led the charge, To block the SEC from enforcement at large. Then came along corporate greed, Which took from those dire in need, Through the use of unexpenced stock options, Left for the rest of us very few options. But all I want to know, Is where did my hard-earned money go?

Oh, did our Congress blunder, So those in power could plunder, From all the way to Detroit, And to the South they did exploit, From the East Coast they did pillage, All the way to my little West Coast village. Did Uncle Sam get its rake, The Roth IRA from many it did take? But what happened to my well-deserved trust, Why did it go to bust? Could it be to corporate shenanigans, That stripped me of all but my cardigans? All I want to know, Is where did my hard-earned money go?

Was it due to Senator Phil Gramm, Who decided to break the dam, By warning Mr. Levitt with the SEC, Of the rider to break the accounting rule? Was it to Charles W. Schwab, Who joined the mob, Of those who stormed the gate, And optioned before it was too late? Or did it go to Mr. Dick Cheney, When good old Haliburton needed more money? All I know is my savings went out the door, Perhaps to someone else’s savings offshore?

Why did Congress undermine, What indeed was so sublime, Of a system of checks and balances, Designed to keep proper countenances? Why did they put on such a window dressing, And offer up such a big blessing, To that which was superficial, That would result in only being judicial? Could it be the election at hand, That they desperately wanted to land, That they accepted from the corporations, So now they have many obligations?

Whatever happened to ‘of the people, By the people, and for the people’? All I want to know, Is where did my hard-earned money go?

If you agree with the need for ‘meaningful change’, please feel free to pass this along to your friends and associates via e-mails or hard copy.



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[-] 1 points by TrenchMan (1) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by onevoice777 (75) from New York, NY 13 years ago

the war machine