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Forum Post: Align yourself

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 5:12 p.m. EST by kazoo55 (195) from Rijs, FR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Just a thought.

The 2012 issue seems to revolve around the completion of a long cycle, and the start of a new one sometime during the winter solstice in 2012, when the Sun is supposed to Align with the Center of the Galaxy, or Universe. All kinds of turbulence and upheaval are connected with this year. Of course it also led to a Hollywood movie under the same name, 2012, and it was a nice movie to watch with the entire family on a rainy sunday afternoon. The rich and powerful survived the cataclysm together with a small bunch of poor sods they allowed on board of their Holy Rescue Vessels for the Lucky Few.

Complete and utter bull, of course. Propagada to further the agenda of the elites, if you will.

The thing is - 2012 is not about some horrible ordeal in the physical word, it's about a spiritual revolution that occurs when we align ourselves mentally, spiritually, with the Inner Center of our Universe. God, if you will, the Divine Matrix when you're scientist. Whatever it is for you. Get your minds back in tune with the inner Centre from which emanates Everything and from which all things and all souls and all beings and all forms of consciousness are connected.

A spiritual, inner revolution. A global revolution.

We're out of tune, even our music's basic pitch has been artificially altered to 440hz instead of the universal 432hz. Get back into tune and Cosmic Harmony will be restored on our planet. We can't change a thing when we're still out of tune ourselves. Move away from all the distortion that has been put in place to distract us and make us manageable, numb, and keep us in an illusion of separation.

Pray. Meditate. Reconnect. Move on. Ascend. Participate. Be One. Occupy...

One love, one planet.

BTW: I feel a bit awkward posting this message on this forum, it's just what I picked up on my inner radio and wanted to share it with you all. It's still a squeeky midwave transistor radio and the signal gets lost all the time, but this is what I heard. At least, I think I did. Sort of.





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