Forum Post: Alex Jones is a scary crypto-fascist fear-monger
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 3:44 p.m. EST by looselyhuman
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infowartrolls, commence flaming.
Damn that dude is crazy as hell. Him and Rush would make a cute couple.
I wish he was just nuts. He's dangerous - beyond Rush. Even beyond Beck. Truly the worst kind of demagogue. And the scariest part is how many of these kids are just totally under his spell. A little crypto-fascist army (the themes - nationalism, nativism, hate, violence - are all there, but he claims his enemies are the fascist ones). This group is also one of the biggest bases of support for Ron Lawl, which tells you something...
Come on where's owschico?
I like the worlds of the professor, they are still relevant in our time.
Alex provides lots of good information with sources that can be researched; and his analysis can be superb; but he has an achilles heal, and dangerous aspect; and should never be uncritically followed . He has told his right wing followers to enter OWS since they were unable to launch End The Fed.
Before you start the flames you are seeking to ignite, I am not a Jones lap dog. However, there are numerous problems with that video:
If you don't like him as much as this post suggests, you don't have to have anything to do with him.
He's a crypto-fascist. He speaks in code. The NWO is a code for an international Jewish conspiracy.
A common guest on his show is David Icke. Do you want to claim he's not anti-semitic?
Jones himself:
"Every key person in the Bush administration and now in this next administration just so happen to be the sons and daughters of the founders of Israel and Mossad chiefs and people, and they're openly not even US citizens, and they openly are at the head of the table in anti-gun operations in the US, and I'm sick of it....This nation is now completely and totally under international crime syndicate control, a consortium of wicked robber barons, black nobility – that is the old royal families of Europe, intermarried and inter-bred with the Rothschild's, and the Rockefellers."
He's really popular with the stormfront crowd, too. White nationalists love him. Why?
Good reading:
I would gladly not have anything to do with him, but his minions are here spreading their hateful conspiracies.
I find it a common theme that people find the need to believe that other people who say things they don't like are either working for someone or otherwise involved in deception etc. This may be true in some cases, but is in the case on Jones a conspiracy theory.
If he's speaking in code, who is supposed to be decoding it? Where do they provide information on their secret translations? If NWO is code, does it have the same meaning when people like Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush, Dan Quayle etc. use it? There are people who think NWO is a Jewish conspiracy, but there are those who don't, another being David Icke. You are lumping people together with what is a small community - white nationalists and believers in ZOG. This is exactly the same as saying all Muslims are Jihadis. There is no evidence for Jones and Icke promoting Jewish persecution. The only way you can do it is by taking quotes like the one above and mixing it with a crypto-theory. Criticism of Israel doesn't = criticism of all Jews. In fact many Jews criticise Isreal and meet with Ahmadinejad. It's too difficult to lump them in with a crypto-theory, so they just get called self-haters.
The fact Jones' wife is part Jewish is a pretty difficult one to get away with and is something that white nationalists and ZOG conspiracy promoters use to call Jones out as a shill - the same people that you say love him. Some may very well like some things he says, just as they may agree with you on some things.
Have you ever watched/listened to Jones? He is definitely Nazi-esque. Hateful. The scapegoating of immigrants, gays, etc. The violent rhetoric and thinly-veiled references to violent action. His fear mongering alone is enough to condemn him. You don't know what you're talking about. The man is not just some guy enjoying his 1st amendment freedoms. He strikes all the chords that revolutionary white nationalists want to hear. Get a clue. And NWO definitely means ZOG. It's interchangeable. That some put more focus on the Jewish aspect than others is irrelevant. It is one thing to criticize the state of Israel's policies (I do). It's another to deny the holocaust and claim that the world's Jewish elite is in a conspiracy and controls all the world's governments.
Yes, I have listened to Jones. Personally I don't find him Nazi-esque or hateful. He is certainly angry and a loose cannon. As for references to violent action, I think they are from his early days. He has calmed down a bit now. These days you don't hear anything you wouldn't hear on something like TYT, just Jones blows his top. He talks about revolution, the same as OWS, TYT Moore etc.
NWO and ZOG are in no way interchangeable. Have you ever done research into either? NWO is a concept and word that has been around since the 1910s. The movement came out of the US and the UK and had very little to do with people who are Jewish and nothing to do with Israel.
I would agree there is a difference between criticising Israel and denying the holocaust. But why you have brought this up I don't know because Jones has never done this. Nor has he purported that the world is run by Jews. You can argue about this, but it could be settled here. Go and find one video of Jones claiming either of those things and post it here.
Look up Jones' buddies Texe Mars and Jeff Rense. Also consider him agreeing on Rense's show with the statement:
"we’ve also got to get off of this thing of looking at Adolf Hitler as the most evil man in history"
I am not familiar with Rense, though know from looking at his site a few times that it contains a lot of unsubstantiated information. I am familiar with Texe and not interested in anything he has to say. I would certainly criticise Jones for having someone like him on. However, I feel, unless you can prove otherwise, that Jones is not part of this group you are refering to. Nor do I think that this group is worth worrying about. Hardly anyone listens to people like Texe Marrs. In terms of Jones, he has people on like Russell Means, native American activist; Professor Griff from Public Enemy, Ed Asner, socialist, Hal Sparks, KRS-One and so on. Also given that his wife is half-Jewish, this does not at all fit with the picture you have painted. Nor does it correlate with what I have heard him say.
As for the above quote. No context is provided for this. I can only find in mentioned on two sites, which don't even quote Jones. If you can do better, I'll change my mind, but I have heard Jones talking of Hitler & Mao in a negative light, so it doesn't add up...