Forum Post: ALERT From CNBC Zucotti Park Blue Wristbands
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:21 a.m. EST by Worried
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
CNBC wrote:
Just a bit west of the library there is what appears to be the inner circle of Occupy Wall Street. Several people, many working on laptops powered by a portable generator, sit in an area closed off by tables.
Most people—including protesters—are kept out by beefy people whose blue arm bands mark them as members of the security group. Exactly what this secretive group is doing is not clear.
“They’re media relations, and outreach and planning,” one person said.
So why are outsiders being kept from the area? No one would answer.
And so, ironically, there’s a no trespassing policy enforced at Occupy Wall Street
Scratch my earlier post. I found the original article.
This is quote-mining from a three-day-old fluff piece. Yawn.
Luckily i do not consider MSM as a credible source for anything but commercials while i am sure their claim may have some merit to it, it is more than likely heavily spun.
The piece is pretty darn neutral, really. There's very little OMG ALERT BLuE aRmBaNds or oh the hypocrisy concern-trolling crap in the article. It's really similar to a hundred other articles on OWS you could find on Google News.
Well i am sure that certain areas have security but not for the reason implied. I mean i could work for say a corp, pose as one of the 99% and go over to the media center and such and basically try to destroy the group from the inside.
I am sure their have been attempts at that. Thus what the blue armbands are for. Basically the spin is making it into a big conspiracy.
Inner protest? Protest the secrecy? Demand answers in the GA?
I doubt they are doing anything terrible (unless they are wiring donations to their accounts or contacting (left/right/corporate overlords) like media thinks.
Do NOT allow this. Take down their barriers, demand they remove the wrist bands, and remind them they are NOT in charge of this movement. This movement is about the people, not some inner circle of control freaks. Get rid of them.
Like I said, they told me to leave today when I was smoking some pot around the tables. They were really pushy. I don't know what is going on over there. We need to send someone to infiltrate the restricted area and find out
Smoking POT? Seriously?
You SHOULD NOT be smoking weed or drinking at the movement. We will be marginalized, and you give police impetus to raid our settlements. The war on drugs needs to end, but that is not the purpose of this movement. Use some sense, we are fighting a media war.
I would tell you to leave to. Don't do illegal things at the movement. You will give us all a bad name, and give cops reason to infiltrate it. Give up the weed for a while and smoke a cig, they are legal, and if you smoke enough they give you a bit of a high.
Yeah, OWS should ban drugs and alcohol at these things. You dont need to give the media more crap to give us a bad name. Remember EVERYONE represents the 99%.