Forum Post: Alber Saber: Court rejects appeal for blogger convicted of contempt of religion
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 31, 2013, 11:29 a.m. EST by GirlFriday
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He lost his appeal. Three years
As a global objective, I believe separation of church and state should be of paramount importance.
That very much includes the US.
Yep!!! I strongly agree.
I am pretty much at the point in the movie where Anikin flips out and starts killing jedi.
embrace the powerrrrrrr of the darkside.
How can you master the light if you can't master the dark?
perhaps the time has come for a magister populi.
How tolerant and progressive of you.
You are a coding genius sir...
Sounds like a conservative idea.
May be
I thought that was what we are already doing.
It's not working out so well for the 99%.
It's all about C vs M these days and both of them are getting puffy pants over it.
Violence IS the problem.
Separation of church and state.
Don't need to be violent about, just do it.
I have to admit though, talking to fundies about it is an exercise in frustration. I wonder if secularists in the Muslim world feel the same way?
He'll be frustrated for the next 3 years, but the religion that put him there extends far from the Middle East..........But yeah, I musta got lost for a second there. It's been a long day.
Yes I can. Martyr.
I still say lynching might be a little too much like what they want.
How about we flood all those places in the World where they hold sway with the works of Richard Dawkins.
A separation of church and education would be effective there.
The children must learn in spite of their parents.
Egypt. Suprise? Nope.......
Islam = Catholic - 600 years
but even the Catholcs from 1450 did not want to kill themselves to get into heaven
and they had torches - not bombs
Would it be too farfetched to guess that the Muslim Brotherhood being in power had something to do with his conviction?