Forum Post: Aiming at the wrong target.....
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 1:03 p.m. EST by MountainZen
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Wall street is just doing their job, make money, though their greed is disgusting to me they are doing a great job. They will not change because we sit there and yell at them, they are just looking out their windows and laughing as they count their(our) money.
The focus should be shifted to congress. They are not doing their jobs. They are the ones being bought out and selling out our country by and to these greedy corporations.
Get it right..... OCCUPY CONGRESS!!!!!
The first step is to go after those that own Congress, and it ain't us.
Occupy Wallstreet.
to shooz: a non-hierarchical collaboration can work different approaches in parallel. Individually, we each own our vote, and of course it is our collective votes that shape Congress
Many of the methods that global businesses employ are appalling and inherently unfair and anti American, when/if you shed a light on their undue Congressional influence and corruption it scares the crud out of them. I do agree with you that we need to start highlighting the influence on Congress as well in real and basic ways so that the American people can clearly see how they are being betrayed. The message is real and powerful but it must be conveyed to the average man. The average man (read middle class) knows that the system is broken and they feel disenfranchised but they don’t know who to trust or how to fix it.
If Congress has been bought, then should we not replace every member of Congress at our first opportunity. It may not matter too much who we replace them with as long as we do not replace them with Republicans or Democrats.
Steps, it all comes to steps and those are taken one at a time.
I don't know, stock market traders are effectively gambling with money that isn't theirs.