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Forum Post: Agree or disagree with this video?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:28 a.m. EST by libsunited (5) from New York, NY
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[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

"3 1/2 days" kind of reminds me of Boy Scouts.

This guy is making excuses for Baby Boomers, who don't want to critique the system that has grown up around them. They are comfortable and complacent, why should their obnoxious kids tell them they are wrong for being so! Little ingrates! lol

[-] 1 points by TheRealCitizensUnited (33) 13 years ago

He is an idiot and does not know history well as well as being very out of touch with his own countrymen. Our revolutionary fathers did all of the things he thinks are so horrible like chopping wood and skinning animals and they still knew the difference between what they had and what could be possible. (They were also being told how great they had it by the way). Here is another news flash for the suited guy(bad suit by the way) there are still people in America who chop wood, heat their own water etc and you could probably not endure one day of their hard lives or work.(The suit wouldn't hold up, that's for sure) I do agree that this guy has a sense of entitlement that tells his mind that everyone lives JUST LIKE HE HAS AND DOES!!! In general, I agree that he has whackalitis and my kids use to draw graphs like his with a piece of chalk on my walkway!

[-] 1 points by colofreebird (14) 13 years ago

missing the point imo. Or the point is not getting across clear enough.

[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

agree 100 percent. Not 99 percent. Welcome to the real World children.

[-] 0 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

he hit's it dead on

[-] 0 points by socal63 (124) 13 years ago

A bit over the top, but well said. I am under the impression that this applies to MOST occupiers.