Forum Post: Agenda 21 Membership withdrawn by TN, deemed communisitic
Posted 12 years ago on March 15, 2012, 6:29 p.m. EST by GumbyDamnit
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Tennessee, one of the minority of states which has notified the Federal Government of it's Tenth Amendment Sovereignty, via a resolution signed by it's governor, today, withdrew it's membership from Agenda 21. Democrats fought to keep it and the Republicans said hell no. I suppose some finally actually read what it was really about.
An aside, I don't know if any have watched the Atlantic's Economy Summit, damage and spin control with their main objective being to restore The People's trust in government.
D or R matters not, every example that can be brought to light to show reasons for people not to trust them, is why they fret. 80% of citizens do not trust the government. The true puppet masters only fear is that enough light will be shed on the rigged game that people will realize the hope of "the American Dream" is futile.
I know that it is hopeless for many as I can see how the game is rigged. I'm thankful that I was able to get a slice of the pie.
Also interesting is the vote pandering Obama's staff is doing which is a complete "about face" regarding pump prices and it's affect on the working class. Sit back and watch him stay true to his actual belief of wanting to see them go higher.
Faith in the government? Nope, therefore I want much less of it. It seems to be a fluke when they do something sensible that has me wanting to uncover stones and see what the real reason is for it.
Well now maybe they will cease trying to "agenda 21" two of my properties, that has been going on for 4 years now.
[-] 5 points by bensdad (1551) 12 hours ago
"Sit back and watch him stay true to his actual belief of wanting to see them go higher." can you cite where he said this? ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] 1 points by GumbyDamnit (1) 0 minutes ago
keep voting it down and acting like it hasn't been given to you several times days ago ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink [+] -4 points by GumbyDamnit (1) 1 hour ago [-] 3 points by shooz (4712) 50 minutes ago
Much ado about nothing.
You would think that after crashing the worlds economy the (R)epelican'ts would spend less time at conspiracy theory sites.
You should unelect every legislator that spent any time at all on this BS bill. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] -3 points by GumbyDamnit (1) 43 minutes ago
I'm quite satisfied with them for the most part, especially their work on this and the resolution to notify the federal government of their unwillingness to waive any of this state's tenth amendment rights.
Dig and you'll see this state has also bucked the fascist government mandates on several other directives, including NCLB.
Maybe your state (of addled confusion) should wise up and make a stand. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink
[-] 4 points by shooz (4712) 10 hours ago
A plan for sustainable resource development?
Now who would want that?
100% snark. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink [-] -3 points by GumbyDamnit (1) 56 minutes ago
Plans are good but that doesn't mean that anything coming from the UN, in the form of plans, are.
I suppose you are another who blindly accepts what some of the democrat pundits tell you. You should try reading Agenda 21 and maybe you will actually learn the actual motives behind many of the very illegal foreclosures that seemingly have you indignant. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink
Remember, Tennessee arrested a teacher of evolution the law was repealed in 1967
AGENDA 21: Of course, this bears no relation to the facts. Actually, the U.N. agreement is a rather benign, non-binding plan calling for governments to develop plans to meet current needs for natural resources without threatening the survival of future generations. It was adopted by 178 governments, including the U.S. under President George H.W. Bush, 20 years ago at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
But to the John Birch Society (JBS), one of the main groups promoting the conspiracy theory about Agenda 21, it represents the end of America as we know it. This is the same group, of course, that claimed President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a secret communist.
In a big win for this big lie, the Republican National Committee (RNC) in January passed a resolution condemning Agenda 21 and calling for policymakers to be made aware of its “destructive strategies for ‘sustainable development.’” The RNC voted to give copies of its resolution to all Republican members of Congress as well as to the party’s presidential and congressional candidates. It also recommended that the anti-Agenda 21 policy be adopted in the party platform at the 2012 convention.
A plan for sustainable resource development?
Now who would want that?
100% snark.
Plans are good but that doesn't mean that anything coming from the UN, in the form of plans, are.
I suppose you are another who blindly accepts what some of the democrat pundits tell you. You should try reading Agenda 21 and maybe you will actually learn the actual motives behind many of the very illegal foreclosures that seemingly have you indignant.
They're comin' to get you?
You should hide under the bed.
What part of nonbinding agreement are you misunderstanding?
What part of this thread is becoming a conspiracy theory, are you completely missing?
It is really difficult to understand a JBS conspiracy theorist. Everything is an international communist conspiracy, nobody ever does anything for reasons other than to facilitate a communist agenda (some even think the rise of 20th century communism and the Labor Movement in general was just a symptom of a larger and deeper conspiracy, probably involving the illuminati, or perhaps reptilians, but definitely the jews). You would think the end of the Cold War would send these paranoid crackpots back to their basements, but apparently ranting and raving about silly NWO and Greenmunist plots is their equivalent of a sane person's socializing. I imagine they couldn't hold a conversation if it wasn't grounded in a conspiracy involving anything like the above topics.
"Remember, Tennessee arrested a teacher of evolution the law was repealed in 1967"
It doesn't look like Vermont's education system products can even form a complete sentence.
Well, they have Sanders pecking away at Citizens United and like the audit of The Fed, nothing will come out of it, regardless.
Even if repealed, it won't fix the problem.
So tell me Dee, (such a sweet name for an alleged dude) why has Sanders not been able to do anything with the Fed when his report clearly states their actions as being criminal and that their "charter should be revoked"?
I'd guess he was bought. You?
Sanders cannot and would not outbid your masters.
Of course not, although I am not owned, nor answer to any of the DC group, unlike you.
However, I can only conclude he was bought or has dirt being held over his head, otherwise, why hasn't anything been done in regards to him pointing out the criminal actions found in his audit.... while he pretends to actually be getting something done, a waste of time anyhow, with CU?
Oh but no, there are NOW many democrats who have actually read what they blindly signed onto and are coming to realize what it is.
The United States should withdraw from the UN.
"Sit back and watch him stay true to his actual belief of wanting to see them go higher."
can you cite where he said this?
keep voting it down and acting like it hasn't been given to you several times days ago
Thanks for the link that did link to the truth
An earlier version of this story mischaracterized the testimony of Energy Secretary Steven Chu. He did not say that the Energy Department isn’t working to lower gasoline prices directly. Rather, when Rep. Alan Nunnelee asked Chu whether the department’s “overall goal” is to “get our price —”, Chu interrupted him and said: “No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy,” adding that the administration’s policies will “help the American economy and the American consumers.”
The Energy Department is working to decrease U.S. dependence on oil, Secretary Steven Chu said Tuesday DOE is working to promote alternatives such as biofuels and electric vehicles, Chu told House appropriators during a hearing on DOE’s budget.
But Americans need relief now, Rep. Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.) said — not high gasoline prices that could eventually push them to alternatives.
“I can’t look at motivations. I have to look at results. And under this administration, the price of gasoline has doubled,” Nunnelee told Chu.
“The people of north Mississippi can’t be here, so I have to be here and be their voice for them,” Nunnelee added. “I have to tell you that $8-a-gallon gasoline makes them afraid. It’s a cruel tax on the people of north Mississippi as they try to go back and forth to work. It’s a cloud hanging over economic development and job creation.”
Chu expressed sympathy but said his department is working to lower energy prices in the long term. “We agree there is great suffering when the price of gasoline increases in the United States, and so we are very concerned about this,” said Chu, speaking to the House Appropriations energy and water subcommittee. “As I have repeatedly said, in the Department of Energy, what we’re trying to do is diversify our energy supply for transportation so that we have cost-effective means.”
I assume you also believe leroy will get us $2.50 gas, that Obama is a Muslim, that evolution is "only" a theory, and that Hillary killed Vince Foster, and that Noah put the kangaroos back in Australia, and there really were WMDs in Iraq
keep believing
You keep believing. Viable alternatives already exist and many of them too, despite Obama thinking they are weird or unhappy that enough of his chosen benefactors cannot cash in on it greatly.
Yeppers, it can be done without getting in deeper with China over cheap rechargeable batteries/bombs.
And everyone knows that the wealthy are pretty much unphased by high pump prices AND EVERYTHING else that is coat-tailed with it.
Keep rationalizing.
I'm not "believing" or "rationalizing"
I'm quoting exactly what was said by Chu NOT WHAT YOU SAID CHU SAID
but why should an Rs care about the truth you can't handle the truth
Right, Zen, everyone knows you ignore facts like Obama's position that he'd like them to be as high here as they are in europe. $6-7/gallon suit you?
Of course, he had to do it, the republicans left him no choice.
Just like everything else he's signed, regardless of sweeping bi-party support and even at his direct requests.
Do you have the guts to prove me a fool and cite where he said this? "Sit back and watch him stay true to his actual belief of wanting to see them go higher." OR
are you a kochfox liar?
Tell be you believe newt's 2.50 gas lie and I promise I'll la ugh for five minutes.
Another question - do you dare to answer - how many gallons of oil were pumped out of the ground during bush's last year? and how many under Obama in the last 12 months?
I looked through the search and this link was given to you days ago.
As usual. you remain a bi-party pawn and unable to realize that somebody speaking against your boy doth not a republican make them.
I pity you and your small minded brethren.
Much ado about nothing.
You would think that after crashing the worlds economy the (R)epelican'ts would spend less time at conspiracy theory sites.
You should unelect every legislator that spent any time at all on this BS bill.
I'm quite satisfied with them for the most part, especially their work on this and the resolution to notify the federal government of their unwillingness to waive any of this state's tenth amendment rights.
Dig and you'll see this state has also bucked the fascist government mandates on several other directives, including NCLB.
Maybe your state (of addled confusion) should wise up and make a stand.
So you prefer your elected officials waste time and money on pointless non-issue bills?
Are you a member of the JBS, or the NRA?
I know, it matters not to you that I know many whose property was threatened by plans brought forth by this agenda, including my own.
I know, I must be the enemy for actually owning property that I've paid for and fought both the bank and the agents of Agenda 21 to keep.
I'm sure that means I'm a sorry bastard for not wanting to roll over and hand what's mine to these communists, much less let them steal it.
psssssstt... nothing about it was going to benefit anyone but the cabalist via the support of the democratic parties.
Do you always post such fact, and information free stuff?
Will you please answer the question?
If you are in fear of answering the question, you really should hide under the bed.
it's the only safe place for you.
Stupid smart people want a more sustainable earth too! (snark)
Where the backing for this from the lib(R)ertarians?
After all, it would appear that a sustainable Planet is something we must "earn".
"Stupid smart people want a more sustainable earth too!"
[-] 1 points by shooz (4712) 5 hours ago
I have my doubts about you being qualified to speak for what "stupid smart" people want and not even sure you're at the level of just the regular stupid ones.
Stupid smart people, another UAW NCLB shoozism, indeed........
Not very observant, are you?
I provided a link.
First day on the internet?
I've no need to read any more of your garbage. I've completely read Agenda 21, as well as many other UN resolutions, and I'd bet you haven't.
Cool. then you're leaving?
Have a nice day.....................:)
BRIC doesn't think much of the UN or any of their agendas
Thank goodness this is getting some attention. Agenda 21 is absolutely real, and a part of a much bigger global plan. Just Look up "North American Super Highway" and then tell me it isn't why boatloads of people are losing their houses.
I'm with you Wondrous, this is huge. Finally, I see this is being taken seriously. A year ago, if you brought this subject up, they looked at you like you had two heads.
They tried hard to take two of mine for some urban development BS. It's been a long hard fight, several illegal foreclosures which had me under bankruptcy for about 8 months.
Both done and paid for now.
Nothing has moved forward as far as their plans and mine weren't even in their way, just cherries they'd liked to have had on top.
For those who already forgot the official position of our science and tech president. Now would you like a list of viable and proven technologies he's ignored in favor of boondoggles which have gotten us in deeper with China?
Dammit! How DARE you impugn the fine name of the Democrat Party! Don't you know only those fascist, baby murdering, Muslim hating, racist/sexist/homophobic repugnanicans are the true evil in the world?
another one who rants and raves who does not know the names of the two major American political parties.
Our ability to educate lemmings is sorely lacking!
good answer from the ignorant