Forum Post: After you took my money, and you spent my money, what would you want next?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 13, 2011, 7:47 p.m. EST by DunkiDonut2
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You will never be happy. You will keep coming back for more and more. That's why I hide my money from you.
Pay your fucking taxes and STFU. Stop jerking people around. It isn't that hard.
Our taxes pay interest on the national debt, the rest is borrowed to keep the system going, that is the way it has always been. Do you want your taxes to do something? People often tout, I pay your salary to officials. Sure property taxes and excise help cities/towns, but they borrow from state/federal funds, that borrow you guessed it the fed. More debt, more and more, the bonds purchased...more and more..more interes there is no way our GDP even covers the interest. There is no manufacturing base here. The system is bankrupt has been since 1933... It need to crash to re-org. The New deal delayed the inevitable ponzi scheme exposed the jig is up.
I suggest you go to your states budget website and start there.
The states get money from the fed to cover the shortfall, which is tacked on to the National debt. It has been going on since we went bankrupt in 1933. Review your history, not just the select sugar coated pieces you seek like GW
You are the last person that I expect to address facts.
Google HJR 192, FDR NEW deal, usa bankrupt. We have been in National debt since depression. It is out there don't listen to me, seek for yourself and you will find truth, just like global warming but you ignore all the other scientists and cherry pick what jives with you ego......If you and I had to survive in the woods I would live....Did you learn any history in school?
Friday ? Ok, but only afternoon I can see you.
Not if you were the last man on earth. :D
In fact, Iam the last man on earth.
Wow! Very Tough Woman. By the way; you don't know me enough , Iam smart enough !
I put as much pre-tax money into my IRA account(s). That way I pay as little in taxes as possible. Sorry, you wont be getting much of my taxes for you to buy your giant tampons.
Dunkin, you are a giant tampon, honey.
Yuk,,, stay away from me, grand canyon.
Stay away from me, freak.
YOUR MONEY, you mean the chump change you spend on Donuts everyday getting fatter and lazier! Your chump change couldn't buy a cup of coffee, go back to your easy chair and sit on your fat a#@ all day whining and complaining about people who are trying to change the system. They are trying to change the system so that our corrupt and greedy Congressmen no longer are in the pockets of greedy and corrupt corporations and serve special-interest groups and not the the American people who voted to put them there! You are a complete idiot and moron that is ignorant and gullible, and people like you are the first ones with their hands stretched out to sign up for Social Security and Medicare and other social programs. As long as you get your share, you couldn't care less about the poor or the Middle Class. You are about as pathetic as they come!!!!
I wont need Social Security. I worked hard, saved, invested in the STOCK MARKET. I have a very nice 401K and IRA and savings and property that i have PURCHASED. I wont need SS but I will take it to drain it so lazy whiners will get less. And, I buy stocks with "before taxes" funds so I pay less taxes that you could get ahold of. Why can I figure this out and you cant? You should ask yourself why you are not capable of taking care of yourself and need mommy government to help you. It would suck to be you.
Aren't you the patriot.
What are you talking about? You are taking our money. When are you going to give it back?
your daughter?
I would probably attempt world domination by building an army of robotic hamsters with your money.
First we take your money, then we take your tin foil hat and shopping cart. Get help. There are good doctors, and good meds, out there for paranoid psychotics like yourself. You can get better.
Stupid answer. If you Reds take what you think is fair from the wealthy (which in reality means the middle class) what will we be allowed to keep? Anything? Since the definition of fairness is so warped by so many here I think the OP is a legitimate question.
The middle class equals the 1% in your fucked up fantasy land, eh? You may be in need of a tin foil hat-ectomy yourself.
Okay. Listen carefully Stalin. The middle class is what sustains this country. It ain't the scum on welfare and it ain't Donald Trump. And screaming about raising taxes on the wealthy ain't gonna happen the burden will fall on the middle class. And that includes small business. Read some history stupid.
Loosen the band on that tin foil hat you fucking loon. Progressive tax rates that hit the wealthiest 1% will NOT, I repeat NOT, raise taxes for the middle class. The middle class is NOT, I repeat NOT, the 1%. Are you really that fucking dense? Or are you just another Fauxbot-in-training?
I agree with MVSN,, YOU are wrong. YOU are the fucking loon and dont even know it.
Or are you just another butt boy for the republicrats? Maybe you should think about who the dense one is.
I am not a republicrat. I am an anarcho-syndicalist participatory socialist. I believe in participism both in politics and economics, wiki it.
That said, I think it is fair, and just, to impose progressive tax schemes on the 1% and redistribute their hoarded wealth to the 99%.
Hmmm.... Where does the " distribution" end? What is the standard? Who decides?
we the people, the 99%, decide you would have a boice in the decision, which is more than have right now...
You are not the 99%,,, for starters. I'm not 1% and millions and millions dont agree with the OWS so there cant be 99% if nobody agrees with you. You cant take what you will have no power to take. We didnt allow it, we dont allow it and we wont allow it.
LMFAO. If you are not in the 1% you are in the 99%. It's mathematics, not subject to your foolish opinions. Look at your checkstubs, are you making 1,000,000 a year or more? If not, you're in the 99% just like the rest of us. How you feel about OWS make NO DIFFERENCE to the economics of the situation.
You act like there is some commie pinko bogeyman waiting in the wings to sneak up and snatch away your meager possessions. Don't flatter yourself. We could not care less about your trinkets. We want to take a percentage (say about 65% for starters) of the ungodly, unfair, and ill-gotten wealth OF THE 1% and redistribute it TO YOU and to everyone in the 99%. And even then the redistribution would mostly take the form of subsidies for food, housing, clothing, and education medicine.
Was the United States a Communist Totalitarian regime before Reagan took office in the early 80's? We had a 70% tax rate for the 1% then, back when Americans still believed in progressive taxation.
And back then the rich didn't't pay any more than they do now.
Wrong...back then the rich, and all corporations, paid a top marginal tax rate of over 70%.
Just because you want the things you say to be true, that doesn't make them true...I know that will come as a shock to the Fox News/Glenn Beck/Michael Savage/Rush Limbaugh/Ayn Rand crowd.
No they didn't. Are you saying that back then GM was paying 70% of it's profits in taxes? Wake up stupid. No one paid that much. That's the problem with you retarded liberals. You've been so indoctrinated you find real thought impossible.
Do I need to explain the marginal tax rate? Much of what a corporation earns is OVERHEAD (costs of doing business). When you subtract OVERHEAD from GROSS PROFITS, you get the PROFIT MARGIN, or MARGIN. The 'marginal tax rate' is the rate of taxation of the profits in the margin. In the time of Bill Clinton it was about 39%, in the time of Reagan it was around 57%, Before Reagan it was nearly 80%....right now thanks to George W. Bush it is less than 20%. Which means Corporations and their chief shareholders (the 1%) are squirreling away more profits than ever.
Which one of you loons made the decision that anyone above $1,000,000 is in the 1%? In some areas of the country a person makiing $80,000 a year is wealthy and they feel wealthy. They didnt call your commie pinko ass and asked your opinion. They probably think they are in the 80% and people like you are in the 20%. I dont make anywhere near a million and feel wealthy. No mortgage on the house, two cars, boat, ZERO credit card debt, travel on vacations, big screen TV and I make under 100K. I feel pretty darn good about life in America and dont need MORE liberal help to screw things up MORE. You are the problem,, not corporations. LAZY RETARDS.
Typical non-response. That people making 1,000,000 PER YEAR are in the top 1% of wage earners is simple math, no one "decided on it", it's like asking who "decided" that a water molecule has two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom...the answer is, NO ONE DECIDED, that's how it is with matters of fact, they are what they are. The fact that you feel secure (while likely a self-delusion...since no one in the 99% is more than a major illness/surgery away from abject poverty) is totally IRRELEVANT. Your neighbors, friends, and likely even members of your extended family are suffering in poverty, or teetering on the raggedy edge. The question is, are you going to compassionately support their best interest, or are you going to continue being a smug, thoughtless, jackass, and pretend like no one needs, wants, or deserves, the help of their fellow human beings.
Your manhood.
um . . . lets . .. .see . . .
whaddya got ?
sounds like you're describing yourself.
Midnight Oil wrote a song about it:
The time has come to say fair's fair to pay the rent to pay our share
The time has come a fact's a fact it belongs to them let's give it back
Next? Actually they come to know where you hide your remaining money and ... !
How about a fast moving bullet? A thief that takes my property will quickly learn the meaning of the Second Amendment.
We seem to be dealing with run-of-the-mill thieves just fine. It's those of the politicorporate variety we seem to be nursing with chapped and inflamed taxpayer teats.
And a thief that takes mine will find the same. But I'll recuse my behavior in the first place to prevent the situation from arising..
Socialists, OWSers, and other miscreants always want to bleed you dry.
People before profit!
The mantra of the benighted, idiotic, drooling, occupying idiot.