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Forum Post: After the Fifth of November, we should begin broadening our perspective

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 1:47 a.m. EST by JoshuaDChamberlain (4) from Lawrenceville, GA
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I was excited to see Guy Fawkes Day and the revolutionary pop-culture reference put to a more effective use in this revolution. I moved my money out of the corporate banking system almost two years ago, so I didn't get to personally make that direct impact on the fifth, but I did all that I could to spread the message and expand the impact that it has, still I feel that the perspective still needs to be broadened.

One of the key arguments against the protests that I keep hearing is that the protesters themselves are spending funds on corporate products suck as Starbucks coffee or General Electric generators. Couple that with the argument that the real way to evoke change is to "hit them where it hurts", namely, in the wallet. I feel that we can hit two birds with one stone on this with a systematic boycott of all products and services provided by major corporations which do not follow ethical social standards, replacing them with products produced by local companies which do. Furthermore, we should not allow the free advertising of such products by having their product logos visible during protest, interaction, or filming. I will be working on a list of the top 100 least socially useful corporations and an accompanying list of alternative sources for similar products over the next few weeks, and I hope to cover as wide a variety of items as I can. anyone wishing to contribute to such a list, please remember not to list any alternative which are subsidiaries of larger, 1%-style corporate organizations. Lets show them that regardless of the basic needs they think we have, they are not one of them.



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[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Good post. I'm a firm believer in the power of boycotts although they're only effective if enough people get on board. I would definitely be interested in that list when you compile it. Check Coca Cola for one; I remember reading some articles online a few years back talking about some shady dealings involving their South American operations. Don't remember the details, though.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

I believe the system will have to come down and most likely will from the momentum of the movement.

But this is a forewarning to all in the movement here in the US.

If other countries are not on the same page as us, we may be in for extreme conflicts when the global economy is crashed. Keep the conversations going locally and internationally.


[-] 1 points by Fathergita (7) 13 years ago

The haves Vs. The Have nots. We must TAKE our country back. LITERALY. All i see is a bunch of people complaining about this shit, but nothing is being done. It's not working. The police are not on our side. Don't think they won't hurt you. Don't think they won't kill you. Who will strike first? Will you help the cause? WIll you run? WIll you fight? GO buy a gun, you'll need it. Have a problem paying your bills? Sick of being poor? NYC is probably the richest city in the U.S.. TAKE your money. Take it back. Fuck the rich. Take their shit. Kill them. Kill them!

[-] 1 points by Atomic (7) 13 years ago

I whole heartily agree.. I would love to see the focus move too Occupying the media to help in fulfilling the agenda above. Personally, would start with a company that has a multi-national presence (i.e.Starbucks) and that advertises on FOX news.The beauty of this is that the targeted company's stock price will reflect the effectiveness of the action... Brilliant!