Forum Post: After The Fall of Wall Street - A World Without Money
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 3:48 p.m. EST by carbonogram
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
On the 22 Sept 2011 I had my first ever public appearance to speak about Contributionism and the foundations of UBUNTU in a world without money. Speaking in front of the South African Parliament in Cape Town to about 500 people, it was an interesting experience, because most of the people who were present have never heard of me or my research before. So it was a real challenge to convey a complex message in a few minutes, to many who would normally be sceptical about some stranger with a radical message. But seemingly it went well and I believe that a seed of consciousness was planted. Every day we see the undeniable signs of the economic structures around us collapsing and people around the world are rapidly waking up we need an new system. Many are also waking up to the fact that money is a maliciously constructed tool of enslavement, by those who control the supply of money. The banks, central banks, stock trading establishments and the legal system has been carefully crafted over thousands of years to bring us to this point in time. A prophesised moment of global awakening, along with the rapid rise of consciousness is making millions of people around the world realise that this system cannot continue. Its imminent collapse presents us with real challenges. What will we replace it with - if there is NO MONEY? If we do not have a plan of how to survive in a world without money, billions of people will die like flies. The urban and metropolitan jungles are most vulnerable - no food, no water, no heat, electricity, no transport... people will kill each other for a slice of bread. We have seen snippets of this in the past decade when power supply failed in north America. The answers to the problems are simple. As in science and physics, the simple answers are mostly always the right ones. But because of MONEY, the solutions to the global problems are not implemented - because they are not "financially viable". This has been the biggest obstacle to all progress. All the basic human needs and services required by communities are denied to the people because – there is not enough money. Everything is possible, all problems are solvable, but because of NO MONEY we are denied our basic rights. Once money has been removed from society, everything becomes easy - NOT difficult. No obstacles to progress means "abundance for all". Instead of using all our energy and most of our time chasing money, we will be spending most of our time to contribute to the abundance on all fronts. I call this the "natural order of things". Since we all come out of unity, UNITY is the only way ahead. We are a deeply divided and abused species. Divided on every possible social level that we can imagine. We have to cross these deep divisions and find unlimited UNITY. Only a unified community will survive and find abundance on all levels which will allow them to rapidly move towards enlightenment. So, let us clear our poisoned minds of capitalism and embrace a new world of abundance. Join the UBUNTU movement and spread the message of abundance for all... in a world without money - filled with ever-growing knowledge and UNITY, towards higher consciousness and enlightenment. Michael Tellinger - 4 October 2011
Famous/wise ppl who believed in eliminating money:
With abundance & modern machienery, barter & hoarding is unnecessary. Half the ppl in U$A work at unnecessary jobs.
This post presents the silliest utopian red herring I've seen in this forum.
"All the basic human needs and services required by communities are denied to the people because – there is not enough money." False. There is enough money today to provide every living human being with adequate food, water, and shelter. The problem is not the supply of money; it's the distribution of money. By channelling global political will to making sure no human suffers from lack of the most basic necessities of life, we can set up mechanisms for distributing money to where it needs to go to ensure the minimal needs of all are met. Hunger, thirst, and homelessness today are not intractable problems of nature; they are human-sustained problems that can be solved by organizing human will.
"No obstacles to progress means "'abundance for all'." False. The absence of money does not ensure abundance for all. In fact, nothing ensures abundance for all, except in the imagination of the utopian. Abundance for all is not a real possibility; but sufficient goods for all is. That's what we should be striving after, not some fantasy.
This proposal is another faith-based proposal aimed at the naive and the hopeless. The Occupy Wall Street movement, by contrast, is a reality-based movement of common sense and hope for the future. We see real problems with the present, but we also see real solutions. Tax the rich. Regulate markets. Prosecute white-collar crime. This is how we shall hold Wall Street accountable. And that's how we shall realize a more just world.
Who decides how resources are distributed?
We all will.
We all have to vote about who gets to eat every apple grown? And who has to tend to every apple tree that grows them?
What if I don't agree with the rule of the mob and I want to grow my own food instead?
There will be no 'rule of the mob' - there is one now though (where 'mob' equals 'mafia'), that's what's OWS is all about I guess..
And I'm sure everyone will be encouraged to grow one's own food and trade it on local markets and help each other... but first we'll have to overcome these little obstacles the 1% have created - but in the end they're only 1% and should be happy to join us... to occupy the entire planet with 100% of US and start making this a happy place instead of the mess it is now...
I guess I misunderstood then. When you said 'we all will' I assumed you meant everyone gets a vote. So the majority rules. What if I disagree with the majority? Do I have any individual rights, or is all subject to the collective will?
Sure then you'll have all your rights, whereas you don't have them now. OWS is also about restoring (y)our human dignity. It's about liberation, about deprogramming, about community, cutting loose from debt (guilt) and fear, this is a positive movement, and not in any way totalitarian or violent. But yeah, it is quite a challenge too... :)
So you're advocating for a trade-and-barter economy where everyone must provide every necessity for himself/herself or else find someone to personally consent to an exchange of whatever s/he has for that necessity? What about large-scale enterprises that require significant time, labor, and resource investment before yielding any returns?
Look, there may be hard times ahead, the current structures are obsolete and have to be replaced or absorbed, but the transition will not likely be smooth, as we're all still embedded in this old money and debt paradigm with filthy rich people and the ones who can't even make ends meet. Awareness of it's principles is important, that's why I encourage everyone to see the documentary 'The Money Masters'. It'll take you 3 hours but it's worth you while I'm sure, then you'll also understand why it's crucial to abolish the FED, like Ron Paul advocates. Educate yourself. Then you'll also see why OWS is not a totalitarian movement, but in essence a necessary development to save the planet. An inner revolution. On this current course we're doomed, things need to change. And exactly how, we'll need to find out on the way, there is no time to lose.
Just my 2c, I'm just a simple guy far away (Netherlands) rooting for you all and happy to share my thoughts...
As I said before, this view is just another faith-based proposal from the naive and the hopeless. The Occupy Wall Street movement, by contrast, is a reality-based movement of common sense and hope for the future. We see real problems with the present, but we also see real solutions. Tax the rich. Regulate markets. Prosecute white-collar crime. This is how we shall hold Wall Street accountable. And that's how we shall realize a more just world.
But what if I disagree with the majority about how resources should be divided? What rights would I have in that case?
Do you even remotely agree now with the 1% and how they divide resources? What rights do you have now under their rule? Just a thought...
No, I don't agree with the 1%, but I want to make sure I don't exchange one tyrant for another. I still do have many rights in this country. They have been greatly diminished, especially since the Patriot Act, but I do still have them. I would like to restore them to their former glory :-) I think there are lots of ways of achieving that goal and it is really important that we get it right.
What you say is a bit contradictory: "but I want to make sure I don't exchange one tyrant for another"
So, you'd rather stick to the current tyranny? At least now you still have some rights left? Wow. That's how scared they got you...
I think you should let go of all of that. It's hard, I know. How can you trust these new guys? These 'unemployed intellectuals' as the MSM have portrayed them? Yeah, well, damn. Then again, look around, just look at the mess in the world, isn't the future scaring the shit out of you? You don't even know what the Patriot Act has in stall for you once it's really activated in case of national 'emergency'. When you've understood 9/11, you know what they're capable of.
But, taraa! Look who has just entered the building. It's OWS. Talking, discussing, protesting, marching, suddenly they're all over the place, non-violently, peacefully... Give them some credit, they have the courage to start this against all odds, join them, support them, they're all just like you, same concerns and fears but united in their conviction that this can't go on any longer. Gotta start somewhere. We are change, they say. Well, they got my vote, I'm very excited to see this happen in my lifetime.
Please don't talk down to me. It demonstrates your contempt for your fellow man.
You have set up up a false dichotomy, assigned a position to me I have never attested to, claim that I have no understanding of what is going on and then pretend you have the answers.
Your avoidance of direct answers to my questions leads me to believe you are disingenuous in this conversation and are seeking only to manipulate the weak minded into supporting your agenda. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You made no secret of the fact that you think your fellow human beings are stupid and need to be told what to do.
No thanks on that offer of a new social structure.
'contempt for your fellow man' I talk 'down' to you. False dichotomy (??) I think my fellow human beings are stupid...
Damn. But I won't let you ruin my night. You're obviously the one full of shit, not me.
I am almost certain that you misundertood my intentions completely. I'm sorry for my part in this misunderstanding. Then again, what you make of me tells a lot about you, not about me. 'disingenous', 'seeking to manipulate the weak minded into supporting my agenda'
Jeez. What can I say. Are you nuts?