Forum Post: AFT Brothers - Your Thoughts Humbly Requested
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 3:27 p.m. EST by desolationpress
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I noticed the AFT has expressed interest in this movement. I would like to request some feedback, thoughts and opinions about some content I put together to explain the nature of mortgages in our time for the kids who have to live through it. I assembled the lesson linked below after trying to explain to my three daughters why we had to move, leave the city they grew up in, and start all over in another place. And why Daddy was not all that middle class anymore.
I launched the material below within 72 hours of the close of a short sale on our home, and I would really appreciate any feedback from those on the front lines of the classroom or in the administrative layers of the system as to why it may or may not work in practice.
I did spend a few years preparing to teach for a living (and switched majors once I realized I would be at perpetual war with the system), so it's not amateur hour. There is a bit too much heat behind the content, and the title is deadly, but I just can't bring myself to dilute it for the sake of propriety. My target is Grades 6-12 (which is too broad, but I leave it up to the teachers to tailor it).
The content is located at:
There's also a lesson plan, some presentation materials and a sample test located at:
Please send your feedback to
I know the curriculum is awfully constrained by NCLB these days, but approach it as if our hard working professional teachers could actually set their own curriculum. Ask yourself how you might address the questions the kids will ask, and not many people are willing to answer.
I have no interest in selling this content. I will maintain it as a free resource for anyone who would like to use it for as long as I can, which will be a very long time, given how little it costs to host content these days.
I thank you for considering this request.