Forum Post: Advice on how to improve my job search in Chicago?
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 18, 2012, 3:55 a.m. EST by almostlove
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm a 21 year old female searching for employment in Chicago. I have three years of college completed, but was forced to take a year off due to lack of funds. My last job was as an intern for a big local radio station for the urban market.
I've tried temp agencies (who only send me jobs for rural areas in Illinois which I am unable to take because I have no car), I've applied to fast-food restaurants (who tell me I'm over-qualified), and I apply to jobs on Craigslist daily.
I'm having no luck, and I'm growing frustrated despite my attempts to remain positive. Are there any resources that anybody can suggest? Thank you very much for your time!
What do you want to do? Find someone who's already doing it, see if they will mentor you. If you want to own your own business and eliminate your dependence on others, find someone who's done that and see if they will mentor you. The number one thing NOT to do is expect someone to give your a job. Expect to make someone else want to hire you or buy the products or services you have to offer.
Thank you- very good advice.
Support OC, OWS, AFLCIO,, and keep trying.
join the dem party , help get out the"we are dead and we vote" vote. P.S. your plea is a phoney.
Wow, I realize now how deluded and paranoid some of the people in this forum are. I assure you this was not a "phoney" plea for help in my job search... Just curious- what would be the purpose?
to get attention.
I see. Sorry to disappoint but not the case here.
how can anyone be "over qualified" to be a waitress?
That's what I said.
Because they know you are looking for something better and you will only stay around until you find it.
That's a good answer. I could understand that.
underqualified, yes, over? no.
Also, since you are petty and it seems you so desperately want the last word, I will let you have it. Enjoy!
Common sense makes that clear with your sarcastic "how can anyone be "over qualified" to be a waitress?" question.
I dont think New York is good idea =| So where you at? In Chicago? EST by almostlove (0) from New York, NY. Sometimes when you trying to get a job you need to lie ;)
If you can remember when you sign up it is advised not to mark your exact location, so I left the pin exactly where it was... Again, what would be the benefit of my lying to a forum full of people I don't know? What's the secret agenda? More delusion and paranoia.
Some times it hard to get a job without experience. So i said it in that context. when you saying: Yes I Can, Yes I Do...
no thank you
I don't want that job
Yep. this is New York baby! You grow, you learn...
I don't want to work for a company that supports lying
ok. stuck is right there. that is why we are here. How you would be successful if you live in the jungle among jungle rules? where everybody trying to be smarter and competitive. Of course we may need to follow the holly book, but in the same time, hit the the opposer with his one sword. In my perspective you just have to follow the main rules and don't try to(do try) break the laws. Can you tell me this: Is the being phony is the lie or not?
I've a contradictory angle to how and where tax lines should be drawn.
if one assumes
capitalism and the free market are good for the country as a whole
than it would behoove the people to reward the most successful capitalist
These reward would cause other members of society to strive to be successful capitalists
thereby befitting the whole of the people
I've a contradictory angle to how and where tax lines should be drawn
if one assume
capitalism and the free market are good for the country as a whole
than it would behoove the people to reward the most successful capitalist
These reward would cause other members of society to become successful capitalists
thereby befitting the whole of the people
Successful capitalists could be called Successful if they get their profit CLEAN (with no outlaws), Or if society reward capitalists for their success? It is very bureaucratic way to budget certain social group, which is responsible for reward the bonuses to "successful" capitalists. Excuse me for being crooked
a capitalist by success already makes more money than the average human
should that not in itself an award
how much extra money should be given to the successful?
the question is: could one man (human,?, but, no, God) create so much money alone? or he have to cheat, steal, treat other people like a slaves with minimum wage and etc. Do you really want to go to world summit in Chicago? Why dont you make friends there and money here, in NY?
because it never snows in San Diego
when is the world summit in Chicago? what is it?
please visit Chicago May 19-21
What was your major? What skills do you have? What are you applying for? Visit some local Chambers of Commerce. Offer to intern or work part-time. The "Who's-Who" of the business community attend many events. Greet, shake hands, assist, meet as many business owners you can. You have a great chance to show what you can do.
Thank you very much for being the only person to offer some relevant advice. I'm a Media Arts Administration major, and I have a background with Media and Marketing. I have interned for three years for no pay, but now I need money :) like everyone else. I've never considered Chambers of Commerce so thank you for that. I will try that now!
I got kicked. Now Im FreeDiscussion5
I'm affiliated with a Chamber. I know several interns have gotten high level jobs based on how they were seen assisting members. Offer to do check-ins at events, which happen often. Welcome them, shake their hands and offer them as much assistance that you can. Follow-up by asking the Chamber if you can send a personal note to those that tend to hire people. If you do some research with the help of the Chamber, you may offer to do some free marketing advise. If there is ONE THING most businesses need and often ask for it is marketing ideas. Many need, believe it or not, dont have logo's for their business cards or letter head. Many cant identify what their mission is as it relates to telling the story of their business. Also, ask the Chamber if they have "Leads Groups". These are groups of people that meet regularly and exchange client names and hint of their needs. You could join or sit in on some sessions and listen to needs. Many Chambers have major hospitals as members. See if you can get on any committees that have those people on them and offer to assist. Dress nice, be very pleasant, smile, shake hands, remember names. If you can come up with some money, use your talent and create a nice business card for your business. Have it ready if someone asks what you do. I would make it more of a Personal Business card rather than a place you work. Almost like a "Ready to be hired" card. One last thing, many Chambers dont have an internal media person to promote the Chamber. Ask them if there are any upcoming events that you could help create a flier or program. Just remember, the Who's Who of the business community often are heavily involved in Chambers,,,, so go where you can rub elbows.
Get out of Chicago. It's a frozen waste land. Move south to a nice warm climate. It's better to be warm and miserable than cold and miserable. People from Chicago are stupid. Their crude nasal accents sound ignorant too.
"It's better to be warm and miserable than cold and miserable." <<< This made me laugh out loud.