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Forum Post: Advice For Occupy Protesters

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 7:30 a.m. EST by D8ncer (0)
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Very good film done by David Icke with informaiton and advice to people at the Occupy protests worldwide, in particualr Wall Street.




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[-] 2 points by TCurtin (34) 13 years ago

I understand your reasons for the leaderless movement concept, but i fear its one of those better on paper concepts. Without clear direction you will lose some people and not gain support from others. Media coverage is declining, except to cover the lack of coverage or report on arrests and negative aspects. People are confused. I have been following closely and am 100% behind the movement, but you need to articulate clearly what it is that you stand for (Saying equality is not enough). This in itself will be complicated if you are trying to include the masses, so many varied ideals and opinions. In reading many comments from people, some are not sure where you are attempting to go with it. A Utopian society is not realistic, its an ideal. At the end of the day you need direction. At a minimum you need a spokesperson, and rotate that person if you like so their not viewed as the leader and gain too much power. The system is corrupt, people know this, but aren't going to join the movement if they are not sure what you stand for. I for one am not anti-capitalist necessarily, it works as well as anything when not corrupted and monopolies are kept in check. People should have more if they work harder than the guy next to them, seems fair to me, but a rigged system that favors the corporate monopolies throws it all out of whack. You can't throw out a system that until recent times has worked to create the greatest nation, without a better solution. The founding fathers designed it this way for a reason, and having read the Federalist Papers, their reasons seemed solid to me. The problem is the machine has become far larger than they imagined at that time, and is far more corrupt due to lobbyists than could have been accounted for. Never give up, Never Surrender. Good Luck. T. Curtin Wisconsin

[-] 1 points by Louiedee279 (1) 13 years ago

Continue the fight select a leader demand a change! Stop corporate greed and abuse of emplpyres! Home depot is a big corporate greet company!

[-] 1 points by mbnfromtheog (70) 13 years ago

go take a shower and stop shitting on cars and doorsteps

[-] 1 points by TCurtin (34) 13 years ago

My repost from another thread:

One part of solution to posit, Show Obama some supoort, and maybe get some back. It really bothers me that people are blaming Obama and putting this whole mess on him. He was handed a bag of crap. In watching his speeches, he is as frustrated as we are. The president does not have absolute power over these matters. Look at his hair, he went gray from all the stress in just a couple years. His jobs bill, trying to do EXACTLY what this movement is pushing for, was just shot down by the Republicans. They want to blame Bush's mess on Obama, and make him look incapable of getting anything done, so they can then get their own person in power and repeat the cycle. If people don't see that IMO they are blind. When they asked the same question to both candidates in the last election, "what is the median income in the U.S." Obama said around $200,000. McCain, and I fell off my chair when he said this, said the median income of Americans is $5 million dollars a year. Now both were way off, its much lower, but how out of touch does this make the Republican Party seem? I feel that part of your agenda should be to show some support for Obama, and in return you may get some back. And no, I am not Democrat, I voted for Bush, regrettably. I vote for the person I think has the best interests of the people in mind and can hopefully get something done. Obama is not the enemy, and is likely the best ally in this cause.

Some jokers response: Show Obama support? Nuts.

My response: Care to elaborate more? How is your statement constructive? Or are you just brainwashed. Analyze where you think he is failing, i would like to know. While you may not have liked the healthcare bill for your own reasons, many did. That's democracy. Doesn't always go your way. Everything he tries to do gets squashed by Congress. How can anything be put on him, really? He has had no support from anybody practically since the day he was elected. People expected him to magically fix many years of building issues in about 3 months, that's when people first started asking, well why isn't everything fixed yet? How the hell is he supposed to get anything done, presidential mandate? He is the president, gets no support from most people, and people bash on him constantly. If I were him i would say eff this and go home.

[-] 1 points by Pyroaquatic (6) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

TCurtin, I agree with you. Why blame the new conductor for the previous conductor's train wreck?

Blame the Conductor, Engineer, and all of the passengers who decided to strip the parts of the Train for some silly game of rich man's folly.

I voted for Obama as my first vote for US president ever. I thought McCain and Obama had some really good points and some really bad ones. Obama keeps his countenance well (even as his hair keeps grey).

I'd give him respect knuckles simply because he IS working as hard as he can for the vote I have given him.

Even if others are working well against him.

I'm not even mad at those working against him. I can understand the nervousness implied with the making of New Bills or amending Old Bills. Changing the entire structure of something so 'Big' has enormous repercussions.

It helps for everyone to point out the valid flaws in something to make it better for everyone represented.

Unfortunately I do not feel accurately represented throughout the inner-workings of government aside from Obama. Off or On the Podium.