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Forum Post: Adding Another Dimension to OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:08 p.m. EST by drbob707 (6) from Beach Haven, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To maintain substantial public support, at some point(soon) the movement will have to translate its energy in to getting laws and policies changed. I suggest the following process-or something like it.

  1. Secure consensus on 9 short term and 9 long term objectives/initiatives we would like to see happen. A list of possibles is provided below.

  2. Organize Working groups around the 18 initiatives to pursue them.

  3. Target certain swing House and Senate races for the 2012 election.

  4. Secure pledges via internet from large numbers of voters in the targeted areas to vote for and actively support the candidate who will support the 9/9 efforts.

  5. Meet with those candidates, pledges in hand, and get them aboard. If no support, run own candidate.

                                   List of Options for Specific OWS Initiatives

    Restoring Economic Equality

• Change the Corporate, individual Tax System to Spur U.S. Job Investment & Promote Competition.

              *Keep Low tax Rates for U.S. Job Investment.
                       -Credit for demand side- wages, profit sharing
                       -Credit for supply side- new plant, hires, education

              *Higher tax rates for off shored/outsourced operations.
                       - Based on % sales/services coming back to U.S.
                        -Tax Income as earned, not when “returned “ to U.S. 
                         -Limit Foreign Tax Credit; remove U.S. Sales Income
                          from calculation
                        -End Offshore Tax Haven Abuse

              *Increase Very High End Tax Rates; on Income, Especially
               Capital Gains, Estate, Corporate profit
                       -Discourage “too big”; encourage competition, smaller
                        companies and investors
              *A Derivatives Trading Tax to discourage nonproductive 
               investment and fund long term Infrastructure work.

Shore up Safety Net programs

Restore key government job losses; teachers, firemen,others

Review defense needs; two full war planning assumption

Breaks for startup companies

Improve education: public school capability and funding methods, preschool, community colleges, college loans, grants

                 * Reduce college loan interest rates to mortgage levels

Get rid of anti-competitive laws and regulations

Market Research and Planning-private sector /govt. jointly

Raise minimum wage

Foster progressive state income taxes vs. regressive sales and property taxes

Foster Union creation and membership

Change Home Mortgage payoff formula to provide for earlier loan principal payoff

Selectively, address excessive health care charges; prices and excess tests, procedures

Restoring Political Equality; Voting and Influence

Remove Voting Impediments; ---Registration; ID requirements, same day registration and voting ---Make Election Day a National Holiday ---Extend Early Voting, Absentee Voting for all those who cannot readily go to polling places

Public Campaign Financing

Low Limits on Private Campaign and PAC contributions; Override Citizens United Case

Post-Election Term Employment Restrictions for the Congress

Lobbying Transparency

Mass Media Reforms; Free Election Campaign Air Time, Reinstitute Fairness Doctrine, One Station for Free Public Air Time

Independent State Commissions for Defining Congressional Districts

Military Draft to Supplement volunteer force in war time



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[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Might I suggest you narrow your pursuits to 3 or 5 commonly agreed upon goals?

Nine goals is far too many.
