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Forum Post: Actual patriots will step in where others won't.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 8:55 p.m. EST by FawkesNews (1290)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There are enough well trained patriots within Americas' very own infrastructure who are just as upset and disenfranchised as the rest of the 99%. Protestors included. They are not instigators. They are finishers.

They have not the luxury of time to peacefully await arrest in some park. They go to work. Right now they are carrying the whole of America, the 100%, and they know it.

They are too busy to get involved, but rest assured, when they do they will not mull about aimlessly. They wll act. They will act within the guidelines of the very laws America currently has in place.

Very good reasons were considered when making those laws and as a result, the penalties are severe. These laws were meant to be enforced by Americans, and Americans with the fortitude to enforce them do exist.

Firstly. High Treason is a crime easily prosecuted in most banking fraud and government corruption cases today. The unpleasantness of what all those trials would look like, scares most Americans now, but things change.




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