Forum Post: Actual On the Scene Narration Would Help Us
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 9:23 a.m. EST by henry5400
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This comment is not to take anything away from our courageous, wonderful media team. But if we want to pull more viewers into watching the live feed, we would really be helped by having an audio narrative during the marches -- it is not so easy for viewers to understand what is going on (last night's march, for instance). The reporter's job is to translate what is happening in front of them into words. I was just a kid during the 1968 Chicago protests, but I remember the WBAI radio coverage was riveting because the Pacifica reporters continuously explained to listeners what was going on. We have the same opportunity here. Live feed is great at capturing the intensity (the Bklyn Bridge faceoff was incredible) but continuous narration from a person on the scene is needed to convey to the viewers the whole picture of what is going on.