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Forum Post: Acts of Solidarity?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:21 a.m. EST by IndianaJames (0) from Greenwood, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I would like to see a list of acts of Solidarity for those who can not march for one reason or another. What can we do in our everyday lives to support the cause? I would like to suggest taking our money out of Wall Street banks and moving to a local owned bank or local credit unions. An entity that does not work for Wall Street. Does such a list exist? I would suggest just withdrawing everything but (hide under the mattress) that does not seem practical. I would like to have other ideas that are practical and would support the movement. Thanks James



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[-] 1 points by LoveFreedomOverMoney (2) from Port Trevorton, PA 13 years ago

It will be in our everyday lives where it's going to have to make the real difference...
We make choices every day that have an impact. taking full responsibility for our own choices is within our control, and it's the best way to have impact, but it requires a critical mass taking action.

First, boycott " all the for profit" companies you can manage. There are a lot of them!!!!
Live without some conveniences.
Cut back your use of products and services. Get wise. Don't agree with banks? Take your money out.
Don't like companies who are pro-war?
Or "big ag" companies looking to control the food supply, companies who exploit 3rd world labor?
Companies who harm the environment?
For profit schools that get you in debt for a crap education? Spread the word about expensive "for profit" schools that rip you off. State Universities have way cheaper tuition. I see these 99% posts on the "I am the 99% blog, and they claim to be $100,000 in debt for their education at some for-profit school I never heard of? WTF? Watch "College, Inc." the PBS special about for profit education.

Boycott manufacturers that outsourced jobs, buy things that are made in America.
Shop if you must, and only at small independent businesses.
Start an independent business!
Recycle, reuse, invent, innovate!
DIY, make it yourself!
Wear only natural fibers, shop at thrift stores, barter, learn about permaculture, volunteer in your community,
Sign up for a volunteer gig through WOOFF. Join or form co-ops.
Support local farmers, (especially organic);
Support community gardens; Grow your own food; Cook from scratch; Don't eat processed food, Read labels, get wise to MSG and HFCS. Eat less meat (or none); Use less gas (or none); Walk, ride bike, share rides;
Join environmental groups; Help clean up the environment.

Keep learning about your impact.

There are consumer groups who are monitoring which companies to avoid. You can find "Ethos" the movie in its entirety online. (Woody Harrelson narrates) This offers some perspective and more ideas about what you can do.

Many groups have great ideas, and are doing great things. Don't jump on any one "dogma" or group.
Spread out your thinking and your actions and your support. Remind those who seem too extremist or limiting that there are many paths that are doing good things so Don't limit thinking, don't wear blinders, don't shut others out.

Read and discuss history, learn about how things have been done and are being done in government and business. It's not all bad, but it needs serious reform.

It's hard to do all these things all the time, so be gentle with yourself and others. Do the best you can.

Don't listen to the vitriol and hate. Good luck to all!!!