Forum Post: Activist Group, Focuses on Community
Posted 10 years ago on March 9, 2014, 11:32 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Now that they "own" entire States, they are going after communities.
Too bad we can't get any of that around here, where the focus is always on things so far, far away.
Activism, isn't always what you think it is.
Activism comes from the word active.
If the people refuse to be active, they will be taken advantage of. Lead or be led. Always been that way, always will be.
Still having issues commenting on the information given, I see.
Here's some more activism for you, from your libe(R)tarian friends.
Then there's your other good buddy.
And a nation that is finally rejecting libe(R)tarianism.
Then you end your alleged statement with a call for a leader.
you have never been stranger.
They'll fold at the first bribe. They really need the money, man, the teabagge(R)s have already cut them off, and they are seriously choking.