Forum Post: ACT NOW
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:55 a.m. EST by LalitfromRaipur
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dear Friends.
I too am one of the 99% in my country India. So indeed we are friends. Congratulations for waking up. For far too long we 99% have been fooled by the 1%. Its time say “no” to this.
This cabal of 1% has been telling us for long that they are working for us. The politician claims that he is a public servant; the corporate honcho says that he is working for stake holders most of whom are small people like you and me. Nothing can be far from truth. They all are selfish to the core. They all are working for their enrichment only and nothing else. However they have to color their misdeed with a dash of altruism to make it palatable for us. We have to refuse these excuses doled out to us year after year and see the truth behind the smoke screen. These 1% have made us perennially dependent on them for our very existence and in turn have been exploiting us mercilessly.
Demonstrating would not help much. They have all the power in their hands. Our demonstrations can get eye balls and news paper space. However our demonstrations are ineffective individually or collectively. Time is ripe for action. Here are few suggestions.
You must have heard the fable of immortal demon whose soul resided in a parrot. No one could harm the demon because his soul was far removed and inaccessible. Similarly soul of each category of these demons resides in a proverbial parrot.
In context of these Wall Street demons we are the parrots where they have kept their souls. They live off us. If they are to be confronted then mere demonstrations will not achieve any results. ACTION is required.
Here are some suggestions:
Get out of any and all derivative investments at once. Derivatives are illusionary. All derivatives are once, twice, thrice or more removed from the real asset. In my opinion the mortgage taken by you on your house is the real asset. Even this can be restated. You and I are the real assets. However the 1% out there have devised derivatives to fool us. If these were such full proof assets why the housing bubble burst? So get our immediately out of all derivatives. Move your savings to rock solid investment. You are the better judge where to take your savings. But do act now.
SAVE. I am an Indian. Saving is cultural for us. Saving habits are engrained in us from the childhood. Whenever my grandmother (May her soul rest in peace!) handed out a Anna (1/16th of a rupee which would be 1/800th of a dollar at present exchange rate) every week as my pocket money, she did not forget to advise me to save at least 1/4th of this anna (one paisa = 1/3200th of a dollar) for future. This habit has helped me throughout my life. I am 60 years old now but I have never been without some financial back up. Even today I save something every month from my pension. However entire western civilization has forgotten to save. Friends there is a tomorrow. If you provide for your tomorrow, tomorrow will provide for you, if not happiness, at least financial security. So keep apart at least 10% of your income as savings.
Save in 100% safe savings instrument. Let them carry low interest rates. A bird in hands is better than two in bush. You can save in savings accounts in first rate banks, government bonds or in stocks of only very sound corporate. Please repeat please save. Make it a habit for yourselves. Teach this to your children too.
Reduce Profligacy.
There is nothing new in saying that earth has limited resources some of which are exhaustible. We, irrespective of caste, creed, nationality or location cannot continue our rapacious ways of consuming wastefully. ‘Wastefully’ is the key word. Consumption is essential for human survival, waste isn’t.
Start with something seemingly insignificant. Take a vow not to use paper napkins. Every one carries a handkerchief. It is meant to be used. Most of us do not use it and even then it is thrown into washing basket. Use the kerchief you carry. Say NO to paper napkin. If we 99% can form this good habit, imagine how much good will be done.
This one is better than above and more effective. DO NOT LEAVE FOOD ON PLATE. Each book/article/lesson/chapter etc on email etiquette has taught me that bold letters and underlining is discourteous – it amounts to shouting. I do not mind. If I have to shout for this one, so be it. Please order a smaller item if necessary. Go to a restaurant which serves buffet where you can pick up as much as you are able to consume without there being leftovers on your plate.
If your favourite restaurant does not have a buffet arrangement, tell the management that they are also part of us 99%. Make a group and make representation to them to help you to avoid wastage of food in form of leftovers. Exercise your brains. Invent some more ideas to avoid wastage of food. Implement yourself and share with others.
Thanks friends.
Lalit Wadher. Raipur (CG) India.
99% of what? In America that means an annual income of less than 2500.00 dollars.Not one person in Occupy Wall Street meets this standard.
Great suggestions. Dunno if they all will be embraced here, in the West. Though we'll probably have to with the climate change and that.
Please, check out my "community" idea I'd like to know what you think.
How will I be able to check how money are used and how will I be able to participate in the decision making process?
The general budget will be posted as soon as there is one, along with the bank statements, publicly. The simplest way to check how much money we have is that it will roughly relate to the number of users, which is public statistics. Also, I think regular audits by random members would be a prudent measure.
The decision making will be a series of prioritizing polls, like play-offs. The website has forum and blogs to propose and discuss possible spending.
The actual rules (i.e. if there's no consensus on specific spending within some timeframe, then another poll is conducted with other proposals) have not yet been developed because there's nothing to discuss yet, and more importantly, no one to discuss it with.
It will be possible to make donations towards specific projects (say in event public funding was refused for that project.)
Budgets for specific projects will also be public as well as contractor details (if any), and will be 'discussable'.
All transactions will, of course, be reflected in the public reports and bank statements.
I count on public input to help me make this whole thing into a long-term sustainable democratic institution.
It seems a good idea to me. To make it sustainable in the long-term we should make it "profitable", that is, people should see that they can produce enough benefits, not necessary pecuniary, to justify the time and effort invested. You may want to post on your site the ideas in your comment above. If we just succeed to exchange information about our problems and possible solutions in a comprehensible way, that could be a good beginning.
The website can do pretty much all that facebook can do (but without advertising.) I hope that it may be useful by itself first, cause we have that chicken/egg situation, where we need money to attract people, and we need people to raise money. Of course investors are out of the question.
I'll post this on the website, yes.
Thank you.
The chicken and egg situation is more profound than the money problem:
Great post. Great advice.