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Forum Post: accountability is the key issue

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:50 a.m. EST by pepasch (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I accuse and hold accountable.

  • I accuse those who accumulate such surplus of wealth, that they put up social barriers, to make sure that others cannot take part in it.
  • I accuse those who seek to put the burden of unnecesary debt on others, for no other reason than to parasite on their hard labour of carrying it.
  • I accuse those who seek to promote greed into a virtue and make those who have common interests in mind look like losers and fools.
  • I accuse those who seek to influence independent institutes that serve common goals into power houses that only serve their private interests.
  • I accuse those who seek to portray the suffering of the have-nots as a natural disaster instead of as a failure of a financial-political system.
  • I accuse all those who want to restore the financial and political structures to their state before the crisis, who only lengthen the crisis.
  • I accuse those who seek to break down governments and welfare institutions, only to keep the financial system alive.
  • I accuse those who try and use the economical crisis as a means to rule by division and to break down the forces of solidarity.
  • I accuse those who endeavour to put the blame on minorities and who foster and fuel hate and superstition, only to gain political influence.

I accuse these people. I want them to be pointed out to me and I want them to be held accountable.

As events unfold in NY, I work around the clock, trying to keep my business on track in the Netherlands. I will not be present at the demonstrations in NY or in Amsterdam. I have to wrap up my potential clients for a demo of my new product.

But in my mind, I will be with all those, who endeavour to make those accountable, who fulfilled only their own needs, at the expense of others. Without accountability, there can be no new balance of power, as those who are not held accountable will successfully convince themselves of their own innocence and repeat the behaviour that let to this crisis, thus deepening and lengthening it.

-- pepasch a voice from the Netherlands



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