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Forum Post: According To Fulford, Over 60 Percent Of The US Military In The Pentagon Now Supports The Overthrow

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 15, 2012, 3:43 a.m. EST by truth2012 (43)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is a brief excerpt from the below link;



According to Fulford, over 60 percent of the US military in the Pentagon now supports the overthrow of this cabal. The logistics of actually accomplishing this feat are staggering to comprehend.

It appears that we will soon see mass arrests of many key conspirators in this problem by the Pentagon.

This will create an unprecedented housecleaning of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US government, as well as large corporations, the finance industry, the military and the mainstream media complex -- which is largely dominated by a handful of corporations.

I fully understand how terrifying this will be to most people -- and there will be incredibly powerful disinformation suggesting it will be a "New World Order takeover" once it happens.


I wanted to get at least part of this investigation posted at the beginning of the weekend. I will not say when the rest is going up, except that in my ideal framework it will be some time this weekend.

This final section will feature the full transcript of interviews with Neil Keenan and Keith Scott -- and re-iterate most of what we discussed about this groundbreaking lawsuit.

This investigation you are now reading will therefore be undergoing dynamic updates throughout the weekend. For that same reason, keep checking back and keep reloading every 10 minutes or so as you read, as the changes are likely to be small, but ongoing.

I will notify you once the piece is finished and the dynamic updates stop. At that point -- and not before then -- you can mirror this investigation far and wide.

I thank you for your continuing support.



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